Category: Internet

  • Ultimate Guide to Boost Massive Traffic to Your Website

    Ultimate Guide to Boost Massive Traffic to Your Website

    We bloggers and webmasters are hunger of web traffic from beginning to ultimate point in career of blogging. Just writing quality contents are not enough things to achieve success, we need to promote our website and individual posts to a global level. Thus here we have discussed some of traditional as well as new methods…

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  • How to Configure WP Super Cache

    Search engines are considering website speed in order to rank them on top. Website speed is one of the factors to get higher ranks in search engines. Caching is one of the method by which you can optimize your website speed. WP Super Cache is one of the best plugin for caching website in no…

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  • W3 Total Cache versus WP Super Cache: Which is Better?

    In order to reduce the overall burden of a web server we are using cache plugins to optimize the speed of web server in serving web pages. Instead of collecting all data from different resources, folders and directories; caching plugins make a cache file of every pages and serve it directly to visitor’s browser. In…

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  • Essentials of Self Publishing

    Essentials of Self Publishing

    Publishing is an exercise that keeps any writer torn between choices about which option to adopt between engaging an established publisher or doing a self publishing, which apart from being quite involving, the benefits achieved are likely to be a match-up to the hustle. Many companies have cropped up, other than conventional publishers, in the…

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  • Which are the Right Tools for Writing?

    Which are the Right Tools for Writing?

    This article pulls no punches in telling you exactly what you need and what you do not need in order to start writing on a regular occasion. This is advice coming from the horse’s mouth given the fact that a professional writer wrote this article (like getting dieting advice from a thin person). So, here…

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  • How to Monitor Web Server’s Health Status in WordPress

    In order to monitor the server’s health, we need to login in to cPanel and check out the current status and performance of the server. But this is not a reliable way of measuring CPU and RAM usages because you are not going to watch your server’s health every time by login in to cPanel. On…

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  • Ways to Keep Your Blog Readers Interested

    Ways to Keep Your Blog Readers Interested

    Sometimes blogging is a passion and sometimes it’s a mission. Whatever your goals when it comes to your blog, be they more readers, virality, or even raising awareness on a particular issue, keeping your long-term blog readers interested is a must to be successful. Below, a short guide for keeping your blog readers interested. Never…

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  • How to Remove Query Strings from Static Resources in WordPress

    In web development, while we check out or analyze our website in GTmetrix and Pingdom somewhere it shows us to remove query strings from static resources like CSS, JavaScript and JQuery and all kinds of files. What is Query String? Query string is a part of a link that includes data to be processed by…

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  • How to Get Your Google AdSense Account Approved Quickly

    How to Get Your Google AdSense Account Approved Quickly

    To run the website or a blog we need money, without money running a professional site seems like an impossible things. Google AdSense is one the best leading web advertising company where advertisers can buy web space for their ads and publishers can sell their empty place for ads to monetize their web property. As…

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  • Country Abbreviation Codes List

    Country Abbreviations are used today everywhere either it is postal address or name of country in the world tournament. 2 digit based country abbreviation codes are formed to short down the long tailed name of the countries, so that it can easily written down on the displays and all. Here are the list of all…

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  • How advertisement does kill the engagement of visitors?

    How advertisement does kill the engagement of visitors?

    Are you making money online? How much? Are you making just bunch of Pennies or hundreds of Dollars? It’s all about the engagement of users on your website. If you are new in blogging industry or operating any kind of online business then using too much advertisement will kill you overall potential of making money…

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  • How to Submit Your Website to Google Search Engine

    In order to get free customers and visitor on your website free of cost it is required that you submit your website and sitemap file to Google Search Engine. Adding a website to Google Search Engine does not cost anything; it is free to submit unlimited numbers of websites that you own. Let’s see how…

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