Essentials of Self Publishing

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Self PublishingPublishing is an exercise that keeps any writer torn between choices about which option to adopt between engaging an established publisher or doing a self publishing, which apart from being quite involving, the benefits achieved are likely to be a match-up to the hustle. Many companies have cropped up, other than conventional publishers, in the business of assisting the writers in reaping maximum benefits of their toil. These normally take up the book designing, price fixing and marketing of the finished products while allowing the writer to keep all the rights.

In Order to Be Successful in this, a Writer Must Ensure that,

  • The title to the book is eye-catching and any reader who comes across it gets an arousal of the curiosity buds in knowing what lies behind it.
  • Quality should never be compromised thus engagement of proofreaders and other measures should be involved to ensure that the product meets the recommended levels of excellence.
  • The topic which is written about should be able to carve a niche in the market by standing out of the rest. A thorough research should be carried out to ensure that the product will not be just another add up to the slow selling books.
  • Creativity should be at its best when it comes to writing since this helps in adding value to the written material.

Production Formats

  • There are a number of formats in which a self publishing writer may opt to use in production of a book and these may largely depend on the marketing mode which will be used in selling the finished products. These includes:
  • Printed version – This is the most common format of book production which has been in existence since the ancient of days. The most adopted way of selling this version is printing on demand since this reduces the piling-up of the stock which may tie up the capital.
  • E-books – These are books which are saved in soft copies and normally take the form of PDF or HTML scripts. This is the best production method since it is flexible enough when it comes to selling with the writer having an option of printing or selling the script as it is.
  • Audio version – This is recording the words of a book in audio storage devices such as CDs and DVDs. The same may be stored as an electronic file which can also be distributed as it is.

Benefits of Self Publishing

These may be among the following…

  • The time taken is less compared to what is taken in being taken through the rigorous vetting by conventional publishers since there are no standards to be met.
  • The capital requirements are greatly reduced by avoiding the expertise outsourcing in addition to making use of the free editing soft ware’s that available in the internet.
  • All the rights are owned by the writer plus the setting of the prices thus optimizing the profits.
  • The marketing of the finished products may be done through advertising, forums or online platforms in order to transfer the wealth of knowledge to the society.

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