Tag: Search Engine Optimization

  • Why You Should Interlink Your Blog Posts (Not Only for SEO)

    Why You Should Interlink Your Blog Posts (Not Only for SEO)

    People these days are putting so much emphasis on Off-Site SEO, they try many methods to build Backlinks, Drive traffic and Blah Blah. But always forget that there is another part of SEO which is On-Site Search Engine Optimization. I have seen many Bloggers who really don’t wanna put any efforts on On-Site Factors. And…

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  • Boosting Your SEO a Couple of Very Effective Ways

    Boosting Your SEO a Couple of Very Effective Ways

    SEO is the complex art of fine-tuning a website so that it will rank higher on the search engine results and therefore receive more traffic. Google chooses to display websites that are relevant and authoritative and offer the reader something of value. This relevance is measured by a complicated algorithm that measures the page content,…

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  • Top 5 WordPress Speed Optimization Tips and Tricks

    Top 5 WordPress Speed Optimization Tips and Tricks

    WordPress is most used platform for blogging and it is primary need of every professional blogger. In this post we are going to discuss top 10 WordPress Speed Optimization tips and tricks. Let’s look all of those WordPress speed optimization tips and tricks in detail. 1. Select Good and Reputed Web Host Choosing right Web…

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  • Does Shared Hosting Affect Search Engine Rankings

    Does Shared Hosting Affect Search Engine Rankings

    If you are worried about a thing that does shared hosting affect the search engine rankings then you must be aware of this thing that 99% it do not going to affect you in any way and 1% is the just an exception which may affect you. In search engine ranking system there are hundreds…

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  • Use Breadcrumbs in WordPress to Optimize Website Navigation

    Use Breadcrumbs in WordPress to Optimize Website Navigation

    Breadcrumbs phenomena is webmasters terminology where it is used to shows the complete navigation to users who visit the website. In simple term breadcrumbs is proper navigation system for site users. As the concept of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes in to the picture the use of breadcrumbs makes its small place in the SEO…

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  • How to Recover from Google’s Honeymoon Period

    How to Recover from Google’s Honeymoon Period

    The term Google’s Honeymoon Period is nothing more than just a sandbox of Google Search engine. Where the Google Search engine punish website which are very strange and unsafe. If you are one of the webmaster who is suffering from this Google Honeymoon Period then follow the recovery guide which is personally tested by some…

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