Do it Yourself! 7 Handy DIY Hints for Handy People

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Not being able to leave home for ‘non-essential’ reasons at the peak of the Covid-19 outbreak was a challenge for everyone. But, for some, it provided the inspiration and opportunity to get creative. As leisure and commuting costs decreased, DIY and garden spending soared. From a small-scale touch-up to a huge indoor renovation, many of us decided to do it ourselves.

Do it Yourself!
Do it Yourself!

And why not? Even if only to relieve the boredom of remaining within the same four walls, the chance to attack all those outstanding jobs and long-planned projects doesn’t come around all that often. DIY can also be easier than you first think too – as long as you know about the tips and tricks that take little effort and still turn in a big result. Here are seven of our favorites:

1. Coffee perks up wood items

It can be irritating – if not upsetting – to nick a much-loved piece of dark wood furniture. From tabletops to side cabinets, a thick paste of instant coffee granules and water can be all it takes to mask the offending scratch. No-one will be any the wiser.

2. Upcycle forgotten furniture

A tatty, tired piece of furniture can seem like it’s destined for the dump. But it needn’t be – and you’ll be surprised at what’s possible. With a fresh dab of paint and perhaps a gentle push back into place, you can breathe new life into almost anything and spare the environment too.

3. Hang paintings and pictures

If stuck at home, seeing the same sights each day can be monotonous and frustrating. So, why not mix it up and get some fresh artwork, painting, or photos on your walls. Until you can travel to see your favorite places and people once again, bring them to you – at least for the time being. Not sure what you’ll need to hang your pictures up? The SGS drill buying guide can help.

4. Felt protectors = stable legs

If you’ve got a floor that isn’t quite even and is making for a rocky experience with a table and chairs, adjustable felt-bottom floor protectors are perfect for the job. Not only do they stabilise the furniture on uneven ground, they’ll also protect against scuffs and marks on the floor itself.

5. Paint-on chalkboard surfaces

This could be a wonderful solution if you’ve got kids who need their own inspiration. With a pot (or two) of chalkboard paint, you can turn a wall of your choosing into a giant canvas. The best part is that you can change what it’s used for by rubbing out the chalk and starting again.

6. Keep your pots of paint fresh

Paint can be expensive – and you’ll certainly feel the pinch if you buy a pot, use some and then return a few days or week later to find the rest is unusable. But, adding a couple of tablespoons of methylated spirit and then closing the lid can keep it fresh for future use.

7. Pallet potential for the garden

DIY is proving to be a calming influence during challenging times, according to one survey. And where better to feel at your calmest than in your garden. Why not combine the two to excellent effect by taking a wooden pallet and creating a novel new seat, table, or decorative feature?

The world of DIY is one of almost boundless opportunities – even for the novices out there. The seven handy hints you can see here are just a taster of what tips and tricks exist. You may well have your own too – so why not share them and inspire others to create something amazing?

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