LifeHack: Awakening Your Do-it-Yourself Ability

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It might be difficult to live alone because you have to stand on your own, you will have to start from the bottom in doing many things. Choosing where you live is one of the phases you need to think of when starting.

One of the best spots in one’s home is the bedroom, who doesn’t love sleeping and taking naps? The smallest bedroom in an apartment is one of the things you may consider, but if you’re financially blessed then choosing a place to live in is not a problem. But living in a small area is not such a bad thing. Instead, it will wake up your artistic skills.

Do it yourself (DIY) items are today’s trend, it can turn your project classy and chic without spending too much.

DIY Hack

This trend applies to many things including your bedroom design, but how could you turn an old and dusty room to an elegant and a minimalist chamber?

Choosing the Right Bed

The center of attraction of your bedroom is basically your bed. Single beds are the appropriate kind of bed for a not-so-big bedroom because it caters only a small amount of the area.

Storage Beneath the Bed

Double-duty items are a great help. Why not insert a closet to your bed frames? To make the most of the little space, use the space under your bed to store almost everything. From your folded shirts to books to shoes.

Double Duty Appliance

Are you short on storage or your space is not enough? Try combining the functions of the shelves and a seat. This DIY appliance can be used as a seat and at the same time a shelf. You’re technically sitting on your storage.

Murphy Desk

What is a Murphy desk? It is a double duty desk, half of it can be used as a storage area that hides clutter and the other half when fold-out can be a writing desk. You can save space in your bedroom with this little guy since you can fold the writing desk when not in use.

Hidden Compartments

Hidden compartments have always been cooler than the regular ones. This type of compartment helps you hide the things you want to keep and can add some chic vibes to your bedroom.

Over-the-Door Shelf

Unexpected over the door shelf utilizes space that you can’t possibly imagine. This shelf helps you store items such as extra mattresses, basket full of books and even a vase to add design in your bedroom.

Baskets on a Console

For an efficient yet stylish storing idea, keeping everything from shoes to pile of letters in complimentary baskets is an easy and handy idea.

Stylish Organizers with Label

Organizers keep little items organized. Adding labels to it are plus factors in making use of your small area.

Secret Shelf

Putting a shelf behind your bed is a smart idea in keeping space. Hiding the shelf using curtains can be a clever idea of covering things up.

Hook Racks

Maximize the wall space with hook racks that can hold neckties, scarfs, and belts.

Use Illusion

The wallpaper you use can deceive the eyes of your guests. Vertical prints can make your bedroom look bigger than its actual size.

Using Light Colors

Picking the right color in doing your DIY themed bedroom also matters. Use colors such as white and light green. Also, a hint of light pink chairs can create solemnity of the design.

Customized Headboard

Instead of using another desk beside your bed, why not make use of your space by replacing it with a dual purpose headboard? You can place some of your books, mini lamp and cute alarm clock in your headboard.

Make Use of Every Corner

Put a rod in some of the corners to help you maximize space. You can hang some of your dresses there. Shelves can cover up a corner without being invasive. You just have to be imaginative enough in decorating your room.

Ladder it Up

Ladder shelves are quite trendy right now. It does occupy space, but with the right innovation, it can turn into a bookshelf, a shoe stack or a mini garden.

Useful Pegboard 

Looking for a perfect compartment where you can keep your small items? The pegboard is the answer for your problem. Paste it on your wall and organize your things, problem solved.

It’s Time to Let Go

Throw away the unnecessary things. If you have clothes and shoes that you can’t use anymore, you can either throw it away or donate it to charity.


The effectivity of the mentioned DIY strategies matters on how you do it. If you are diligent and you love designing comfort for your rooms, then those steps are for you.

The suggestions above are only primary tools for a comfortable atmosphere. Matching your ideas and the suggestions can do magic. Just pair creativity with patience to bring you the results you longed for your bedroom.

This article is written by Rachel Minahan. She sketches bed designs for mattresses. She spends some of her leisure time doing sketches about different types of furniture. Rachel shares her designing ideas in different blog spots by writing articles.

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