How to Get More Website Traffic without Paid Ads?

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One of the most often asked questions of search engine optimization (SEO) experts is how to improve website traffic without having to invest heavily in paid advertising. There is no easy one-size-fits-all answer to this question.

However, it is possible to make a few changes that will boost your online following, but only if you’re ready to put the time and effort into achieving it.

Website Traffic

Search Engine Optimization

Google cares about authority, so you have to establish yourself as the go-to for quality content as it will boost your traffic more than 300 percent if you do it right. A first-page ranking attracts about 95 percent of search engine traffic, so SEO is now considered big business. The problem for many companies is that figuring out search engine optimization isn’t easy.

With a bit of persistence and creativity, there are a few things you can do to boost your website traffic without paid ads. First, you must pay attention to Google algorithm changes. You also need to identify precisely where you are in their ranking. You next need to use metrics to track your changes, whether good or bad, to know what works.

Your next step is to optimize your website and make sure it is SEO and mobile-friendly. Fix any issues you find by running a diagnostic test. Perform a keyword search and look for ways to optimize on-page SEO to boost your search engine indexing and ranking. You will also need to use SEO to create quality content and include credible anchor text.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is also a vital part of gaining followers as nearly 70 percent of Americans access at least one social media site daily, and 88 percent of adults use it. Because of accessibility, it’s one of the easiest ways to boost website traffic by promoting content, using SEO in posts, optimizing calls-to-action (CTAs) and engaging with your followers. Social media sites also have metrics that allow you to analyze your social media marketing, so you will know which content is driving your traffic to your site and which is not so entertaining.

Marketing Tips That Drives Website Traffic

  • Use analytics to measure your website traffic
  • Ensure that your website is mobile-friendly
  • Create guest posts to diversify your audience
  • Use hashtags and @Twitter tags to improve visibility
  • Display your website URL in your social media profile
  • Blog on your website and share it to social media pages
  • Website link building will establish yourself as an authority
  • Create engaging content that doesn’t focus solely on CTAs
  • Engage with followers. Reply to comments and listen to their ideas
  • Make sure content title and metadata descriptors are SEO-friendly
  • Consistency drives traffic, so make sure you develop a plan and keep at it
  • Always use images in posts, and use SEO as an alternative viewing format
  • Continue to develop your social media marketing strategy and measure return on investment

By implementing any of these strategies, you will boost your traffic without having to pay for advertising. You will also optimize your website and elevate your industry knowledge.

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