The popularity and reach of social media, combined with the prevalence and ease of access to the Internet has made it a necessary avenue for brands to interact with their users. Most of the brands are available on social media, even if they do not have a designated web page. Social media allows these brands to keep up with their users by offering a convenient avenue for different aspects of the business.

You can use social media to grow your brand. There are 3.5 billion social media users who are active on a monthly basis, with many of them being able to access these platforms at home and on the go. Using strategic social media marketing could help grow your brand. Here are a few ways to do this.
Using Paid Marketing Tools
Investing in social media marketing will help boost your rate of growth. You can increase brand awareness and drive up traffic to your site, as well as conversions, by being active on social media. However, you may need to consider paid marketing tools to help you reach your goals quickly. These tools are relatively well priced and will guarantee a return on investment.
Paid marketing tools offer a great way to reach out to your audience, which would otherwise be impossible through the available free means. For instance, you can pay to target Facebook users for a specific time after a certain life event. You can also buy Instagram video views on Instagram to help make your posts more popular and likely to be viewed on a platform where less popular posts attract fewer hits. On Twitter, you can promote your posts to appear on the top of user timelines to increase visibility.
These marketing tools are easily affordable and can be customized to reach the desired amount of people from a target audience. You will be more likely to successfully grow your brand by using these tools instead of generating organic follows and engagement, which might take a long amount of time.
Using Analytic Tools
Analytic tools are often overlooked because they do not appear to have any value towards increasing brand awareness and popularity on social media. They are only used to monitor different metrics that need to be developed through other marketing strategies. Since they do not directly affect brand growth, many brands will consider them as unnecessary.
You can use analytic tools to monitor the performance of your marketing strategies and determine which areas are most and least likely to bring success in relation to a specific goal. By observing changes in traffic and engagement levels, brands will be better able to understand how each aspect of their social campaign is performing and what may be improved to boost growth.
Always Consider Remarketing
Many brands have taken to social media to advertise their services and products through well-designed marketing campaigns. While this will increase brand visibility and awareness, it may do little towards improving sales and boosting revenues. While it is important to market to users on social media, few people follow up any interest on a product or service offered through an advertisement on their social media page, particularly if it is the first time they have seen it.
If your strategy is based around a single wave of marketing, brand visibility levels will be measurably higher than conversion levels. It could be ideal for non-eCommerce brands that are targeting increased brand awareness alone. If you are looking to increase sales, you need to consider remarketing as well. Remarketing makes products and services visible to your target audience over a certain length of time. They will see the advertisement over and over and will be more likely to trust your brand enough to make a purchase on these subsequent views.
Showing the Human Side of Your Brand
Users on the internet are people too. They have human interests and will be drawn towards these just as they would in real life. Even though they follow a brand, which may be expected to market products and services, many users expect brands to take an active role within the community and help address existing issues. You need to consider leveraging the human side of your brand to win over followers and raise your brand’s level of growth. You may consider using your social platforms to showcase your brand’s interaction and attempts to alleviate real-world problems within your physical location. In some instances, it can be as easy as posting content to help raise awareness and call for change.
Showing too much of either aspect can be detrimental to your brand. You need to market yourself without overdoing it, while you also need to show your brand’s human side without seeming too eager to earn and leverage your clients’ appreciation. In order to do this, you should develop a social media posting policy to help guide your activity and content. It will help you create a posting schedule, which will guide you on the frequency and subject matter of posts.
Engaging the Audience
No matter how small or large your brand is, engaging with users will help develop trustworthiness and may contribute to the development of a loyal following. Many people have taken to social media to interact with their favorite brands. Up to 95% of active social media users follow at least one brand. Up to 75% of these users will engage with a brand at least once. This figure is continuously increasing, with more people taking to social media as an avenue for customer service.
You need to engage with your audience to grow your brand online. Users are interested in following brands that offer timely and effective responses to their requests, queries, and concerns in a timely manner. If you use social media to interact with your followers and do so in a timely manner, your brand will develop a loyal fan base.
You need to avoid selective responses on your social pages. You should not pick and choose between comments on the basis of their content. In order to build trustworthiness among your followers, you should be ready to respond to both positive and negative comments. This way, users will be unlikely to point out any bias and will trust your brand to address any problems that they may experience.