Google Pegion Algorithm Behind Relevant Search Results

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The very recently released new algorithm of Google is a very new addition to the archives of Google. This particular local search algorithm has been created with the aim of promoting quite poignant and much more relevant local search results which are more often very closely related to the traditional format of search ranking signals. The searches can reflect in the search results of Google Maps and Google Web.


The basic changes that the Pigeon Update is going to make are mostly behind the scenes. However, it has a considerable amount of impact on the rankings awarded by local search results. After the implementation of Google “Pigeon” updates, many of the local or small businesses` can see a sharp increase or decrease in the leads, referrals and also the business altogether.

This local search algorithm has more efficient web search capabilities that also include several ranking signals that they use in the process of web search with some additional search features like, Spelling correction, Knowledge Graph, Synonyms, etc. Google added that this particular algorithm is able to improve the existing distance and location parameters for ranking.

Google Pegion, at this moment, is rolling out only for results in US English. However, it also aims at providing a much relevant experience to searchers looking for answers to queries offering local results. Google has not divulged any plan for their rolling out of this update for other nations and languages. Moreover, it has also not offered any information regarding the percentage of queries that can have a direct impact of this algorithm update.  The web world is yet to know about any spam algorithm hidden in this update.

Technology Mobilizing Google’s Search Results:

As a common user of Google you must be quite familiar with the accuracy and pace with which Google search works. Still, you probably do not know how Google manages finding out the exact results for all the queries fast and effectively. Google’s search technology revolves around PigeonRank, a system aimed at ranking web pages.

Soon, low cost pigeon clusters started being used for computing relative value of all the web pages way faster compared to human editors or even algorithms. There are engineers working in groups at Google who improve all aspects of the process of work on regular basis. PigeonRank is at the base of all the web search tools.

How Does PigeonRank Manages to work so well?

The success of PigeonRank depends primarily on its capability to recognize different objects irrespective of its location. The usual gray pigeon is able to distinguish products depending on the minutest of details and differences. This process enables it selecting relevant sites a list of several similar pages.

After collecting a flock of pigeons in the dense clusters, Google processes search queries at quite a fast pace faster than what traditional search engines do. The speed of search results actually signifies that of different birds of prey like, brooding hens.

Once the query gets submitted to Google, it is also routed to the data coop and the device shows result pages at lightning speed. After pegions locate a relevant search result in the cluster, it hits a steel bar covered by rubber with its beak. This process offers the web page a Pigeon Rank. Each peck, increases PigeonRank. Pages that receive the maximum number of pecks, are positioned at the top ranks of the results page and the results are displayed in pecking order.

Integrity of Pegion:

With the pigeon-driven procedures tampering with search results become absolutely difficult. Some of the unscrupulous websites often try to increase their ranks by adding images on web pages of bird seed, bread crumbs and parrots in seductive pose. Google’s Pigeon Rank technology is not easy to be deceived by such crafty techniques. Google search is honest, easy, poignant and objective for finding quality sites with relevant information offering better results.

Challenges of Handling Multiple Pigeons Clusters or PCs:

Google “Pigeon” Updates work in a set up of dense population. This compacted system of this update enables Google packing multiple processors in a limited space. Rack after rack stacking of the data coops. Removing other different pigeon byproducts became a huge challenge, till Page and Brin managed to develop a groundbreaking technology that converted poop to pixels, the dots creating a monitor’s display. Such a renewable process also powers the impeccable white background of the Home Page of Google.

Pigeons are Not Quite Wise, Then How Do They Do The Work?

Pigeons have the ability to make fast and instant judgment even when choices are quite difficult. This ability of them makes them perfect for all sorts of jobs that need accuracy and authority in decision-making under pressure.

Google Gets Its Pigeons from..……

Google uses very low-cost and ordinary pigeons for its clusters. They are often gathered from parks and plazas by the pack of over 50 Phds or Pigeon-harvesting dogs of Google. The pigeons get a fast orientation on the relevance of web site and they are comfortably assigned to an effective data coop.

Can Tiny Pigeons be Captured in Small Data Coops?

Google follows all international standards maintained for ethical treatment of pigeons. They get free range of coops and their favorite place, the window ledges, leisure rooms set up for their happy hours. Such rooms are often stocked with loads of delectable grains and seeds that is considered to be the finest in the European standard.

The Future Of Pigeon Computing:

Google is on its way to explore all new applications of the Pigeon Rank and other affiliated technologies, the most ambitious among which is harnessing millions of pigeons around the world for working on a large number of complex scientific challenges.

If your site has already noticed ranking changes and the same in some sort of referrals for your local business, do let us know about the fact in the comments section.

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