Four Ways to Create Better Engagement on Your Facebook Page Using Social Games

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Facebook Social Games

Are you looking for smart ways to boost the visibility and engagement of your page posts on Facebook? Do you have any new ideas of how to create enticement and lure more people in? In the following lines we’ll have a closer look at 4 main ways to implement in order to achieve those goals using social gaming. Yes, that’s right; social games can help you increase your Facebook page’s interaction.

If you’re having troubles gathering fans to your Facebook page and interacting with them, using simple games to draw attention can bring excellent results. These social games posted on your timeline include sharing & liking photos, commenting, and helping fans build a strong sense of community around your company, brand, or business. As an added bonus, everyone will have a lot of fun.

1. What’s Your Best Guess?

Making use of your Facebook page’s timeline to play games can create a sense of community and thus bring increasingly more fans. Apart from liking your company, the people will come back for more if they’re properly engaged. With the current changes to the page guidelines of Facebook, businesses are free to run competitions on their timelines. For example, you can opt for a social game known as “What’s your best guess?” and create engagement. If you have the means and the resources, you can also award the winners. Let’s see how the game works:

  • Take a photo of something funny
  • Put it on your timeline
  • Ask the people to comment on the photo and state their thoughts
  • You can even award the best, funniest, craziest answer
  • Don’t forget to write in the post’s description something like: “Let’s play a fun game guys!” or some other sentence you can think of to lure your fans

2. It’s Selfie Time

People are fond of liking, tagging and sharing on Facebook. Hence, to awake their interest you can compel them to post a photo of themselves on your wall and tag a friend. That friend should take a photo as well and tag another friend, and so on. Be the one to get things started. Here’s what you must do:

  • As the CEO of your company take a selfie (a photo of yourself in case you’re not that familiar to Facebook slang) and tag a couple of your Facebook fans
  • Post a comment with the following mentioning “Now it’s your time to take a selfie and tag 3 of your best friends. I already tagged mine!”

3. What’s Your Favorite Movie?

If you want to make people like you and your business it’s paramount to be active in the online environment. Otherwise, people can’t notice you. Whatever you’re selling or advertising, it’s good to leave that behind and focus on interacting with peers on a humane level. Social games are excellent. Have your fans name a movie that impacted their life. Here’s what to do:

  • Ask the following question: if your life was a great movie, which movie it would be?
  • Kick-start the conversation by giving the first answer
  • Invite followers to play your game
  • Participate in the discussion, recommend other movies, chat with your fans

4. Share a Thought

It’s always good to share a thought, a meaningful quote, or a statement to keep your fans engaged. Be the one to start the game. Here’s what you must do:

  • Pick a nice quote and put it on your timeline
  • Ask fans to share it and post their own quotes too
  • Share their statements as well to show them that you care
  • Begin a conversation

There are so many ways you can use Facebook to increase your social ranking and keep your fans intrigued. It’s certainly not something easy to achieve, but it’s a start. The best way to create engagement is to stay active. Interact with the people, show them that you care what they have to say, and they’ll eventually want to know more about your business too.

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