Three Gifts Every Mother Wants to Receive at Her Baby Shower

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Whether a woman is anticipating her first child, or if it is her third one she is expecting, every mother is going to receive gifts at the baby shower. And every mother hopes to receive thoughtful gifts like a diaper changing pad, baby carrier, sound machine, etc., which she will need for the baby; the more friends and family spend on the upcoming child, the less she will have to spend on those things.

Baby Shower

That is why mothers put certain things on their baby registries. Having a child can be expensive, so asking for these things is a good way for those who love her to help out. While some family members or friends might give something personal to the mother like a maternity outfit, it is the needs that mothers really look for.

If you want to help mom out, get her one of the higher priced items on her baby registry. This will help both her and the baby out.

Travel System

A travel system is probably the most expensive item on a baby registry after any furniture that might be listed. These can range from $200 up to $600, hence her need to request one from gift-givers. They are sectional pieces that allow the child to travel in a car and in the stores.

Travel systems come with a baby carrier and a car base. The carrier connects to the base, locking the newborn in a rear-facing position for the journey to the grocery store or grandma’s. The system also comes with a folding stroller that can also hold the carrier. This style makes the need to remove the child from a car seat to the stroller unnecessary. The baby can remained buckled by a five point harness in the carrier, and the carrier transfers from vehicle to stroller.

Sound Machine

A lot of people cannot sleep without some form of background noise going. People living in the cities understand this best when they travel to quiet, rural areas. They no longer have the car honks and shouts from pedestrians filling the silence. Babies are the same way. They need some noise to soothe them. This, and their $150 price tag, is the reason a sound machine would make a great baby shower gift.

For nine months they live with the sound of their mother’s heartbeat and the flow of her blood, with the sounds of the outside world occasionally breaking through. This is why it would be good to give a sound machine, especially if it mimics the thumping of a heart. This will provide great comfort to a sleepy child.


A mother can never have enough diapers! Even if you end up getting the wrong size for the newborn, they will be needed at some point in the future. In fact, they will need more boxes of the numbered sizes of diapers rather than the Newborn or Preemie sizes; these two will be outgrown quickly, but the others will be grown into.

If you are feeling creative, you can have a diaper cake delivered for the baby shower. This would be a fun way of showing your love and excitement for the upcoming child while giving the baby and mother something they will need for a long time.

With boxes of diapers costing as much as $52 each, buying diapers can get extremely expensive. This is why mom needs your help. And don’t be afraid to buy such an impersonal gift. Mom will be just as grateful for diapers as she would a gift card to a spa. You will be helping mom out tremendously as well!

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