Know About WordPress Blog Optimization

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WordPress has a major role in creating and presenting an effective blog site. With the use of the WordPress platform you can maintain your blog site easy and give it the exquisite looks. With the use of WordPress not only you can achieve a well developed website with advanced features but you also can use the WordPress to do the search engine optimization.

WordPress Blog Optimization

With the small amendments in your WordPress admin settings and use of specified plugins, you can achieve the visibility of your blog site. Here I will discuss the procedure to make the whole process easier to handle. We also discuss other methods to contribute to the search engine ranking. Having a good idea about the admin panel, plugins and the API codes is important to make your blog site legit and avoid spam.

Optimizing Permalinks

As the initial procedure you have to do is to change the permalinks. The permanent link can lead the visitors to the particular post that fall off the homepage, as it functions as the direct link to the particular post. Optimizing of the permalinks can be simply done in the admin area. Once you login to the WordPress admin area, you can view the admin options. You can click on the permalink option to activate it, by changing the “Custom Specify Below” the field for the post will be activated, where you can change the specification of every post.

Making Your Blog Visible

It is important for you to make your blog public to obtain the expected results. On your WordPress blog site’s dashboard, you have to go to the admin dashboard. Clicking on the options will show you a blue bar with the text menu, where you can find the link for the privacy settings. By clicking on to the privacy, you will be able to view few options, where you can choose the privacy for your blog site. Here you can make your blog visible to all the audience including the search engines like Google, Technorati, Sphere etc.

Controlling Spam

Making your website / blog site public means you have more chances for spam. So as the next process for search engine optimization you have to take measures to control the spam. Making your website functioning to control the spam is the best option and this can be simply done by adding a plugin. As the spam plugin can be already found in the dashboard you will not have to upload it. You can go to the dashboard options to view the text menu bar, from which you can access plugins tab.

It’s the plugins tab you can view all the plugins that are installed on your blog site. Form the available plugins you have to find the Askimet plugin to activate for the purpose. The activation of the plugin alone does not help the plugin to function accordingly. Once you activate the plugin, it requires the API code. This can be obtained from the welcome email you got from the WordPress, the API code may vary according to the process and location you installed the blog.

There are occasions you have to sign up with WordPress in order to get the API code. Along with the sign up email you will receive the API code. Until you add the API code you will be able to view a reminder at the top of the WordPress admin. There are other plugins which allows you to view the number of visitors and measure the traffic. You can download and upload the relevant plugins to the dashboard to activate them.

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