Did You Know That Yoga Can Be a Great Stress Buster?

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That’s right!

Apart from the host of benefits that accompanies with practising yoga, it is also a great way through which you can reduce stress. Yoga has been known to have a calming effect on mind and body and can help you to eliminate stress by empowering you to deal effectively with pressures of day-to-day life.

Further, the different poses or yoga asanas can help you to cope with anxiety, thereby promoting relaxation and providing mental and emotional relief.

Also, it is often said that a healthy mind enhances the process of self-healing and thus, if you want to overcome frustration, stress and relieve tension then integrating yoga routines in your daily life is essential.

And her’s the best part!

By practising regular yoga you are not only strengthening your mind to deal better with stress but you are also improving your overall health, thus attaining an optimal state of mental as well as physical fitness.

So what yoga poses can help you relieve stress?

Well, instead of listing it down for you, I thought it would be much better to present you with an infographic that explains in detail the various stress relieving yoga poses that can help you de-stress your life.

This infographic consists of a weekly yoga guide that can be helpful for beginners and comprises of different relaxation and meditative yoga poses among others. What’s more, you can download this infographic for FREE and can refer to it as and when you want.

So go ahead, take a look and make the most out of it!

DE-STRESS YOUR LIFE IN 6 WEEKS [Infographic] by the team at Sudamshelar

Destress Life Infographics

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