Author: Atul Kumar Pandey

  • The Difference Between Macs and PCs: An Overview

    The Difference Between Macs and PCs: An Overview

    Macs and PCs have grown up together, transforming the world of business in the mid-1970s and 1980s. The battle over these two platforms has raged in IT departments across college campuses over the last 30 years. PC is a generic term for personal computer, but is usually associated with any computer that runs on a…

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  • How Much Sleep is Important for Us

    How Much Sleep is Important for Us

    Proper and complete sleep makes human active for all the day, but if you are stressed and sleep is incomplete then whole day of yours becomes full of laziness and nothing goes according to your mood. Incomplete sleep makes a man tired and unhappy, and sometime this also creates various kinds of illness. So here…

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  • Internet Business: How to Improve Public Relations Online

    Internet Business: How to Improve Public Relations Online

    Neglecting your online reputation is a massive mistake. In Japan, it can cost you your business. In America, it can cost you a lot of money. The damage that is caused by poor public relations online may become insurmountable, and quite often it requires expensive marketing in order to recover the lost ground. In the…

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  • Financial Planning for Your Business Success

    Financial Planning for Your Business Success

    Planning business finances help business owners to know how much income they are spending on particular items and will have an idea of the total amount they are actually earning. If the owners do not have any idea of the cash flow, they may not decide whether their business is making profits or is entering…

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  • Arabian Nights the Hookah and Lifestyle Store

    Arabian Nights the Hookah and Lifestyle Store

    With vanishing culture of old generation their lifestyle also gets vanishes. Our father and grandfather used to hookah to show their royalty and the fashion, but today we all busy is using cigarette and other unhealthy smoking things. To sustain the old lifestyle of smoking Hookah, Arabian Nights done an awesome job by opening their…

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  • Facebook also Introduces #HashTags Feature Just like Twitter

    Facebook also Introduces #HashTags Feature Just like Twitter

    HashTags were only used on Twitter platform, but now Facebook also introduces the same feature here on their platform also. Now users of Facebook can also use HashTags here just like they were using on Twitter from years. Now Facebook is too much serious about covering maximum market shares in social network world. Let’s have…

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  • How to Restore a Home’s Chimney

    How to Restore a Home’s Chimney

    Most of us don’t pay too much attention to our chimney, but one that’s in need of repair can be unsafe, both structurally and functionally. So, what are the things that can go wrong and what can be done in terms of restoration? Restoring a Chimney Whether your chimney is in use or not, it’s…

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  • 8 Errors When Writing Landing Page Titles

    8 Errors When Writing Landing Page Titles

    A landing page is the page that a link points to. It works like this – a link is installed somewhere and it points to a web page. A link is a piece of programming code that is installed on computers. It directs a web browser to go to a different web page (URL) when…

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  • Why You Need to Build Your Construction Company’s Reviews

    Why You Need to Build Your Construction Company’s Reviews

    You might not pay much attention to customer reviews, but they could be the best way of building up your business. Word of mouth is an effective form of marketing and it’s extremely cost effective. Why are reviews so important to your business and how can you increase the number you receive? Why are Reviews…

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  • How Much Traffic Can Shared Web Hosting Server Handle?

    How Much Traffic Can Shared Web Hosting Server Handle?

    Shared web hosting is a virtual hosting server where in single server more than one websites are hosted using shared hardware resources. Generally the number of shared user is three in various popular shared web hosting services but may be vary according to their infrastructure. So question is that what is limit of a shared…

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  • Startups on a Small Budget

    Startups on a Small Budget

    So you have the greatest business idea since the invention of the wheel? That’s all well and good, but getting it off the ground requires money. Like most new businesses, you’ll have a very small budget and few resources to help make your dreams a reality. You don’t need to start working more than one…

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  • Professional Business Tax Planning Tips

    Professional Business Tax Planning Tips

    Most business owners encounter with several challenges of realizing considerable revenues in order for their businesses to survive. The idea of paying taxes from their sales turnover can seem to be disheartening to them, thus forcing each of them to look for the tax payment plan to manage their taxes. However, it is actually a…

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