How to Submit Your Website to Google Search Engine

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In order to get free customers and visitor on your website free of cost it is required that you submit your website and sitemap file to Google Search Engine. Adding a website to Google Search Engine does not cost anything; it is free to submit unlimited numbers of websites that you own. Let’s see how to submit your website to Google Search Engine.

1. Open and Sign in into Google Webmasters Tools

First of all Sign in to Google Webmasters Tools using your same Gmail Username and Password.

2. Click on Add a Site Button

Once you log in, you will be redirected to Webmasters Tools. There you have an option of Add a Site. Click on Add a Site button.

3. Enter URL of Your Website and Press Continue

Now enter the URL of your Website like, and press continue button. Here you will finish up with adding a website, but for better result do more steps ahead.

4. Now Verify the Ownership of Website

After submitting URL of your website you need to verify the ownership of it. You have many options to verify it but Meta Tag verification is one of the best and quick methods. Copy down the Meta Tag line provided there and paste it to your website’s Head section. Once you added click on Verify button.

Note: If you are using any kind of Cache Plugin, please clear the cache after you add a Meta Tag line.

5. Add a Sitemap File to Webmasters Tools

Now you are closer to end, just add a sitemap of your website to Google Webmasters Tools.

If you are a WordPress user your, sitemap link would be something like this,

If you are Blogger user, sitemap link would be something like this,

If your content exceeds more than 500 articles the you need to submit more sitemap files, just change the start-index number to next of 500 that is 501 and max-result to more 500 that is 1000 and it goes so on.

Now you are just finished with adding website to Google Search Engine. You have to wait for 24 to 48 hours until and unless Google Search Engine crawl your website and start indexing your webpages.

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