5 Ways to Protect Your Phone So You Can Keep Your Business Running

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Your phone is your lifeline for doing business. You’re on it all the time, checking email, talking with clients, keep track of banking, make transactions, etc. If you lost it or had to reset, it would be impossible to recover all of your data and start again.

Does data loss scare you? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. As technology progresses, more people are becoming dependent on their phones for everything from personal relationships to business. It makes sense that you can’t afford to lose this business management device. Without the precautions, you could lose everything you built up for yourself.

Protect Your Phone

There are a lot of dangerous aspects of relying on cell phones for the business. Take these 5 steps to prevent yourself from becoming a victim to cell phone theft and damage.

1. A Protective Case

The most important thing you can put on your phone to protect it is a case. Not just one of those cases that has a beautiful design made out of plastic. It can have a design on it, sure. But if the material is flimsy, the case means nothing.

You want to get a case similar to Casely’s new Samsung S10 Cases. These are a perfect mix between stylish and practical. They’re beautifully designed yet made out of materials that will actually keep your phone safe.

2. An Insurance Policy

A cell phone warranty is one thing; a cell phone insurance plan is another. Getting a plan will ensure that your phone is protected from the amount of time you’ll be using it. Most of the time the warranty only lasts for a year, when most people have their phones for years over that deadline.

Insurance polices can be negotiated directly with your phone company, or you can go through a third-party provider. It depends on the type, duration, and price of insurance that you are aiming for.

3. Invest in a VPN App

A VPN is a virtual private network. This means that your data isn’t tracked and collected while you surf the web, your passwords and sensitive data don’t show up on servers, and you can ensure that your sessions are encrypted.

Most phones don’t actively have VPN protection on them, so you need to make sure that you check before downloading an app. If your phone does, simply switch that setting on (especially when you are in a public setting). Otherwise, app prices and qualities will range and it will take some research to find what you are looking for.

4. Keep Your Number Close

You should always be careful who you give your number to in public. You don’t want anyone to walk around with the capability to call you whenever they want. Because of this, don’t give your number unless it’s absolutely necessary. Get a virtual phone number. To learn more take a look at the virtual phone number guide from gbpn.

The same rule applies when you are online. Don’t just type your number into any website. No matter what the service offers, your number isn’t worth it. If you are absolutely set on getting the service or product for your business, you should call the company before writing in your information. That way you can get a feel for the legitimacy of it before giving your number away.

5. Back-Up

Always back up your data. If you’re not comfortable with the cloud, use Time Machine software or rely on an external hard drive. This way, even if you lose your device, you’ll have all the information that matters on a separate physical drive. You can’t go wrong with an external back up.

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