Weight Loss Tips for a Fabulous You on Your Wedding Day

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Remember the stories that grandmother’s used to say about how a girl’s prince would come by on a white horse and take her along to his palace? Those fairytales are so engrained in each girl’s mind that they always picture their weddings to be similar. To add to it, the movies seen have also gone a long way in forming a perception about a perfect wedding. All this and more have steadily lead to marriage becoming an enormous industry in itself. What are the most important things that need to be perfect on your wedding day?

Weight Loss Tips for Bride

Weddings are one of the biggest days of a girl’s life and therefore she wants to look perfect, and why not; it’s her day and all eyes will be on her. As such there are a lot of things that need to be done well for the perfect appearance like the wedding dress, jewellery, hairdo, make-up, shoes, etc. However, there is more to looking best than just the aforementioned. The bride needs to be feeling happy and confident from within foremost. It’s only then that she will glow and look really beautiful.

One of the most important lookouts of most to-be brides is that they want to shed their extra flab and shape up for their wedding day. It’s worth mentioning here that in an aim to look trimmed, most women fall for malpractices like skipping meals, starving, etc. Much to their ignorance, such practices only lead to weakness, sickness, improper sleep, breakouts, under eye dark circles, etc.

This most obviously does not imply that dieting should not be considered. However, there are structured ways to undergo weight loss, getting rid of fat without cutting down on the nutrition needs. This should also be combined with exercises and mind conditioning therapies for the wholesome effect. Suggested here under are a few tips to look your best on your wedding day:

  • Get a Health Check-up: Get checked for health abnormalities with regard to hormonal or blood sugar levels as these may be reasons behind gaining weight. This check up will help you or your nutritionists devise a weight loss plan accordingly.
  • Consume Meals in Smaller Portions: Have less but more often. The idea is to increase metabolism rates so that fat can be burnt faster. Have small means in spans of 2-3 hours. You may have to carry your food around but that’s the least you can do for a glowing you on the D-day.
  • Steer Clear of Fatty Foods: Anything that contains ghee or butter should be avoided which includes fried food and sweets like deserts. Sweets in particular cause mood swings, especially the sweet cravings that you just can’t resist.
  • Give Yourself a Water Treatment: Water is probably the best medicine to prevent endlessness number of diseases. Helping eliminate toxins from the body, consuming plenty of water brings on a glow on the face, makes hair lustrous and keeps your system clean. It’s advised to drink a minimum of 3 liters of water a day.
  • Say NO to Alcohol & Smoking: Smoking and alcohol play havoc to a weight loss diet plan. They dehydrate the body and make it lethargic adding instant calories and therefore making you look obese.
  • Consider Enrolling into a Gym: If its really difficult to devote an hour of brisk walk every morning, opt for a package session in the gym, yoga center or a dance class. 1 hour of dedicated exercise in any form will help you get rid of the flab and bring on the best in you.
  • Take Adequate Rest: It’s understood that post getting hitched there are endless reasons to worry about but succumbing to it would only show up on your health and face making you look tired and flushed. Hence, ensure at least 7 hours of sleep a day. Also note that sleeping will help regulate and stabilize your hormones and control appetite.

It will most definitely take some amount of discipline to be able to organize and regulate yourself for doing the above. However, it is a proven strategy that will definitely yield the best results without starving you!

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