Top 8 Anti-Ageing Foods For Your Skin

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Anti-Ageing Foods
Top 8 Anti-Ageing Foods For Your Skin

The food that we put into our bodies can have an influence on our skin. If your diet consists of processed food, your body will most likely show signs of this, and in turn may impact on your skin. Now this can work in your favour if you are eating the right food, but let’s face it, most of us aren’t. However, instead of telling you about all of the healthy food that you should be eating, I’m going to make things interesting by sharing some uncommon foods that can help you achieve glowing, youthful skin.

1. Wheatgrass

Yes, the green stuff. Now just because it’s green doesn’t mean it’s going to taste bad. There are a few different ways to consume it but I would highly recommend putting it into a juicer with some of your favourite fruit. This will sweeten and dilute the wheatgrass and make it more drinkable. Wheatgrass contains chlorophyll which acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory for your skin, so the enzymes detoxify the body. Wheatgrass helps to rejuvenate the skin, making it glow, which can result in a more youthful appearance. It is also highly recommended for acne sufferers, who can create a simple paste from milk and wheat grass powder to treat the skin.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice that you’ll find in Indian curries and is responsible for giving curry its deep yellow colouring. It has anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants that purify the blood. When the blood in the body is cleaner, the skin appears softer and smoother. Your skin will look more supple which is something that really contributes to making us look younger. You can also use turmeric as a face mask by mixing it with honey or yogurt, and this can soften the appearance of any wrinkles and fine lines.

3. Seaweed

You may have noticed that seaweed has become a popular ingredient in skincare products and food, and that’s because people have realised the benefits that come from it. Seaweed is most commonly used in sushi, but you can also buy it in packs from Chinese supermarkets. There are so many ways to use seaweed, from sprinkling it over salad to cooking it with chicken etc. Seaweed is filled with lots of different vitamins that have anti-inflammatory properties. These help to soothe the skin and also regulate your metabolism, which again rejuvenates the complexion. Seaweed also contains lots of Omega 3 which helps keep your skin moisturised, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and lines.

4. Bee Pollen

Bee pollen is known as ‘magic’ for the body. It’s renowned for all of its properties, from improving fertility to reducing stress. It can also be used for the skin to treat conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. You can consume bee pollen in liquid form, as a capsule or even as powder. Bee pollen helps to rebuild damaged and inflamed tissue in the skin with its high levels of antioxidants, it also rids the body of impurities. This allows the skin to be deeply cleansed thus appearing clearer and smoother.

5. Dark Chocolate

If you have a sweet tooth like me, you’ll need something to satisfy your cravings. Although dark chocolate can be slightly bitter, it has many health benefits. It’s great for the heart and also stimulates endorphin production, which makes you feel good. Aside from that, dark chocolate has more antioxidants than can be found in some berries so it’s great for your skin! Antioxidants work to get rid of impurities and prevent your skin from getting congested. This will reduce skin imperfections and protect skin cells.

6. Coconut Water

This is filled with vitamins and minerals which are great for general health, but one of its best properties is keeping the body hydrated. Coconut water will help the body retain moisture, contributing to the skin appearing more plump and soft. Coconut water has lots of nutrients but there are two elements known as cytokines and lauric acid which are used for the process of cell growth and regulation. In fact, it is said that coconuts can slow down the ageing process.

7. Red Wine

You’ve probably heard people say that drinking one glass of red wine is good for the heart, and this is due to the antioxidants it contains. Red wine consists resveratrol which are derived from the skin of grapes and some seeds. This antioxidant can help with the prevention of damaged skin cells.

8. Tofu

This helps with the preservation of collagen, which acts as the structural support within your skin. As you grow older, your body loses collagen, which then causes the skin to lose elasticity and firmness. When the skin becomes weaker, this allows space for wrinkles to form and skin can become prone to sagging. Tofu helps to preserve collagen for longer, and therefore works to keep skin strong and looking fuller.

Whilst your body is working on improving the skin from within, there are also lots of beauty products available to improve the outward appearance. These can help to renew and repair the skin and work in coherence with the ingredients that your body is in taking. This combination is the key to having younger looking skin.

This article was written by Danielle Bagworth, an expert in skin care and an avid lover of all things natural. She recommends Eden Hall Day Spa for their wonderful treatments that can help restore the healthy glow in your skin.

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