Surgical Options for People Who Are Obese

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Almost 70% of the adult population in this country is now overweight, and a third is classed as obese. This means that you are not alone if you are overweight. Obesity is actually a pandemic now and it affects people both on a psychological and physical level.

Some of the health risks associated with obesity include:

  • A higher chance of many cancer types
  • A higher chance of developing type 2 diabetes
  • An increased risk of heart disease
  • An increased risk of high blood pressure and, hence, strokes
  • A higher chance of arthritis and other joint problems
  • A higher chance of breathing difficulties

Controlling Obesity

Obesity was long seen as people’s own fault because they don’t exercise enough and eat too much. This is certainly true for some people, as diet and exercise are vital to overall good health. However, sometimes, being obese means it is impossible to exercise and eat properly. This is why some people will have to turn to weight loss surgery in Fishkill NY. Once the surgery has done its work, they can focus on healthy eating and a good exercise program.

Weight Loss Surgery Options

Weight loss surgery is generally offered to people who have tried to lose weight through conventional methods and who have failed. There are many forms of weight loss surgery out there, but the two most common ones are the lap band and the gastric bypass. These two are very different and you must understand the pros and cons of both options before deciding which one is best for you.

Gastric Bypass

A gastric bypass involves a number of steps. These are:

  1. Making the stomach smaller by stapling it.
  2. Bypassing some of the intestines and most of the stomach.
  3. Attaching the intestines to the now smaller pouch.

Through these steps, patients are incapable of eating as much. Additionally, the body is no longer able to absorb as much as before. This surgery leads to rapid weight loss and has high success rates. However, it is a very invasive procedure and the risk of complications is much higher than with a lap band. Furthermore, some people develop malnutrition or ‘dumping syndrome’. Finally, reversing this procedure is difficult and the mortality rate, while low, is higher than with a lap band.

Lap Band Surgery

With a lap band, a band is placed around the stomach that restricts its size. It also ensures food passes through the intestines slower than before. The procedure causes a reduction in appetite, but does not stop the body from absorbing food.

Most people prefer this surgery because it is minimally invasive with very few complications and risks. However, it is much slower, it can slip and it requires more follow-up consultations.

Choosing which surgery is best for you is down to you and your surgeon. It is vital that you follow their advice and read up about the options that are offered to you. Most importantly, you must make sure you stick to the diet and exercise plan that is prescribed to you.

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