How to Start Your Own Website for Anything

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Starting a website is a standard procedure these days whether you’re starting a business, decide to write a blog for personal expression, or perhaps you just want to create a webpage for the sake of trying it out.

The internet can be a daunting place and if we don’t know what we’re doing, it can seem like a big task starting a project on our own.  There are some basic steps that need to be taken in order to ensure a smooth creation of your new website.

Take at this timeline of what to do in order to launch your website and take all the proper steps to ensure it’s a great one!

Decide on Your Domain Name

Decide on a name that reflects what your blog is about that is easy to remember and short enough to type.  Long names that are hard to remember can create an obstacle for bringing traffic to your site.

There are a variety of websites which can let you know whether a domain is available or not.  If your domain of choice is taken, take a look at some of the variety of combinations that could work instead of just giving up.  Make sure that it isn’t too close to a website that already exists which sells the same products.  You may inadvertently be giving your business to another website with just one wrong press of a key!

Choose a Host

The next step is choosing a host.  A host is a connection between your website and the internet.  There are a variety of hosts to choose from on the internet.  Take a look at some of the pros and cons of several hosts and make the best choice for your website based on what your needs are.

Get an SSL Certificate

Make sure that your website has an SSL certificate, which acts as a form of security for transferring information over a network.  It’s obligatory if you are any sort of merchant and people are paying with credit cards.  Customers want to know that their precious financial data is encrypted and not accessible to cyber criminals.

If your site doesn’t have an active SSL certificate you will be red-flagged and your customers will be notified when trying to enter the site.  This will cause a considerable amount of damage to your business and people will not want to give you their credit card information.

Related: How to Use Free Let’sEncrypt SSL Certificates (For Unmanaged VPS)

Link to WordPress

After you’ve done all this, you’ll want to link your website to WordPress which is the best tool for posting on your website.  Its ease of use makes it easy for people who have no web design experience, yet it’s also possible to alter to your liking if you are a more advanced coder.

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