How to Spice Up Your Backyard this Summer

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WIth summer coming into full swing, it’s only natural to start thinking of ways to spend more of your time outdoors. While going to parks and pools can be fun, there’s something to be said for being able to enjoy yourself in the comfort of your own home. But rather than just sit inside soaking up the A/C, you may want to create your own backyard oasis to make your summer days even better. For some ideas on how, here are three ways you could consider spicing up your backyard for more summer fun.

DIY Yard Games

Regardless of your age, yard games are a great way to spend some quality time with the people you love. For kids, just being in the yard with a ball or a hula hoop is enough to give you hours of fun. But for adults, we need a little bit more stimulation.

Mallory McInnis, a contributor to, shares that some fun and easy-to-create backyard games for adults include giant beer pong, Jenga or Bananagrams. There are also the classics like bocce ball or croquet that can bring on hours of entertainment for your group of friends or family. To make these events even more memorable, you could even try your hand at making each piece of the set yourself.

Backyard BBQ and Fire Pit

Nothing says summer like a good, old fashioned cookout followed by roasting some s’mores over the fire. But in order to enjoy these classic summer treats, you’ve got to have yourself a fire pit!

While you may think that building a fire pit requires little more work than setting some pieces of wood on fire, the DIY Network shares that there’s a bit more involved with a quality and safe fire pit than that. First, you’ll want to build the foundation for your fire pit. This could involve clearing some ground and pouring a small concrete slab. Next, you’ll need to build up the outer wall of your fire pit, which will help to keep all your flames contained in your fire pit area. Finally, you’ll need to complete any finishing touches you want to make your fire pit beautiful and one-of-a-kind to your property.

Fun Water Feature

In the heat of summer, there’s nothing better than cooling off with some nice, fresh water. And while pools are the perfect escape from the heat, they’re also an expensive undertaking to build. Luckily, there are plenty of other options for fun water features that will enhance your landscape design. Some of these, as suggested by HGTV, include small reflecting ponds, fountains or waterfalls. Although you won’t be able to take a dip in any one of these water features, they will help to cool off your backyard and can create a pleasant ambiance for enjoying lazy summer evenings outdoors.

If you’re lucky enough to have a backyard that allows you to enjoy relaxing with friends and family, you might as well put it to good use by trying out one of the above mentioned summer projects to bring more fun to your home this summer. Best of luck!

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