What You Should (and Shouldn’t) Do in Facebook Advertising

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Social media continues to be the largest way consumers connect with family and friends. It has become a method for communicating, staying up to date with news, as well as advertising products and services.

Business owners will often pay to have their service advertised on Facebook with the goal of attracting more traffic and leads to their website. There are many components to keep in mind when creating a Facebook advertisement. You want to consider the headline being used, the image, and most importantly, the content displayed on the ad.

Facebook Advertising

There are some do’s and don’ts that you want to keep in mind to avoid losing out on potential new clients. Every mistake costs you money because you are paying for these advertisements. When they have grammatical errors or unnecessary information, it pushes customers away instead of attracting them.

Let’s talk of a few things you should – and shouldn’t do – when it comes down to Facebook advertising.

1. There Is Such a Thing as TMI

Too much information (TMI) definitely exists in the world of advertising. For instance, if you are paying for a Facebook advertisement and promoting your product to lose weight, you really only need to include the following:

  • Clear message and call to action
  • Business name
  • Product or service being offered
  • Special promotion

Your goal is to have viewers click on the advertisementthat takes them to your page. This is where you’ll include a full overview of what you offer. Don’t confuse viewers with too much information within your ad.

2. Proofread All Your Ads – Twice!

While this may seem like an obvious mistake to look out for, it’s actually one of the most commonly made mistakes. You want to review your publication with fresh eyes at least twice before publishing. Typos or grammatical errors take away from the personal appeal.

3. Think About the Ad Image Being Used

You don’t want to use just any image within your ad. You need one that is high-quality, clear, and that focuses on the best features of your business. You want to select an image that will grab the attention of the target audience and that is relevant to your business.

Moreover, you want a colorful image that will catch the attention of your audience but also be reflective of your brand. Select an image that is eye-catching, relevant, and cleverly integrates your logo.

4. Call-to-Action

So, what is your call-to-action? Most likely it’s to get viewers to land on your page and make a purchase. You want to make sure you’re including a clear call-to-action in your ad. Do you want them to take advantage of a current sale or promotion? Sign up for a service? Whatever it is, you need to make this clear and engaging.

5. Relate to Your Audience

If you want viewers to take action and land on your page, your ad message needs to resonate with your target audience. Make it relatable to them and use concepts that will interest them. You can only put so much information on a Facebook advertisement so really think about what you want viewers to take from it.

6. Keep It Simple

Oftentimes, less is more. In this case, you want to follow this thought process and keep it simple! You don’t want to confuse or overwhelm a Facebook user with a boring or complex add. Keep it light and interesting. This is where you’ll notice the most results.

Seek the Help of an SEO Expert

Every time you log into Facebook, it collects data, knows what you’re searching, what topics you enjoy, and quite often, what products/services you’re looking for. Business owners can use this information to target their audience and bring in more leads to their business.

Edge Online is a popular service that can help with your Facebook advertisements as well as other important factors that attract leads to your business. Don’t hesitate to reach out to services such as this when you hit a dead-end or don’t know where to begin!

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