How to Protect Your Home or Business from These 5 Common Hazards?

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If you own property, you know it’s one of your most valued investments. Regardless of whether it’s residential or commercial, you want to do all you can to protect it.

You can’t always avoid hazards that are out of your control, like natural disasters and crime, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take precautions.

Common Hazards

Below, we’ve compiled some of the most common threats that homes and business owners face every year. We’ve also included tips on how to protect your property from them.

1) Fire Damage

Fire damage is one of the most devastating types of damage. Not only is it dangerous for those living in a home, but it also has the potential to spread to other properties as well.

To prevent the likelihood of a fire, keep an eye out for any broken or frayed wires. Always turn off your stove and oven after use and keep combustible items away from flames.

Make sure your major appliances, including your heating system, are inspected for safety. If you do experience a fire, the best thing you can do is to find a restoration company.

2) Water Damage

Water damage is another common threat to properties across the country, therefore you must secure your property by having an insurance plan. This is necessary if you live in an area that is prone to flooding or hurricanes, like in Florida. If so, you should bring in a preventative water damage team annually to inspect the property and make sure you don’t have mold building up in hidden places. If there is any damage to the property, you can always file for a water damage insurance claim to get compensation for the same.

Even if you don’t live in one of these areas, you may still experience issues such as pipes leaking and breaking. For weather-related mishaps, keep an eye out for snow and rain accumulation. Make sure your roof is ready. Have a plan in place at home if an appliance or pipe breaks.

3) Wind

Wind may not seem like a significant threat, but it can take a toll on homes and businesses.

Strong winds have the force needed to hurl loose objects and debris at your home. If you have any trees around your property, make sure that there are no dead ones around that could easily fall. Also, prune trees regularly.

Take the time to strengthen potentially problematic structures around your home. If high winds are in the weather forecast, move loose objects inside before storms start.

4) Hail

Never underestimate the power of a hailstorm. When hail comes down, it comes down hard. It may damage your roof, the siding of your property, windows, and any nearby objects such as cars.

If you live in an area that is prone to hail, try adding more resistant materials to your property. If a storm strikes, move susceptible items inside or underneath a covered structure, such as a carport or garage. This includes things like vehicles, patio furniture, or other valuables.

5) Theft

Theft is not a natural disaster or a battle against the elements. It is, however, impossible to predict. The best thing you can do for your property to protect against theft is to invest in security.

Depending on your budget and resources, there are few things that you can do for your property. An alarm-based security system, if you can afford it, is ideal. However, another thing that deters thieves is motion-activated lights.

Lastly, it’s important to always keep your doors and windows locked. It’s simple advice, but you’d be surprised how many people disregard this safety tip.


These are a few of the most common destructive forces that threaten home and business owners every year. With the right planning and foresight, you can be prepared. It’s also a good idea to have insurance that covers all of these different types of damage.

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