Category: Business

  • Startups on a Small Budget

    Startups on a Small Budget

    So you have the greatest business idea since the invention of the wheel? That’s all well and good, but getting it off the ground requires money. Like most new businesses, you’ll have a very small budget and few resources to help make your dreams a reality. You don’t need to start working more than one…

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  • Professional Business Tax Planning Tips

    Professional Business Tax Planning Tips

    Most business owners encounter with several challenges of realizing considerable revenues in order for their businesses to survive. The idea of paying taxes from their sales turnover can seem to be disheartening to them, thus forcing each of them to look for the tax payment plan to manage their taxes. However, it is actually a…

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  • How to Save Your Construction Company Money

    How to Save Your Construction Company Money

    With the economy still struggling and construction output figures in February this year 7% lower than a year ago, the construction industry still has some way to go before it will see a rise in business. This makes it imperative that construction companies ensure they are operating as economically as they can. Get your construction…

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  • Generate Free Traffic Using LinkedIn for Your Business Blog

    Generate Free Traffic Using LinkedIn for Your Business Blog

    LinkedIn is the place of business class professional people and job seekers. If your blog frequently blogs about business more and related to business then LinkedIn is miracle for you to generate terrific amount of traffic from LinkedIn account only. People will sure read you if you write better for them. LinkedIn has more power…

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  • 5 Ways to Save Money on Your Mobile Phone Bills

    5 Ways to Save Money on Your Mobile Phone Bills

    Mobile phones cost a lot, with the average annual bill totalling more than thousand bucks. However, these devices have now become a necessity, so like most things, many people are looking for ways to cut down the amount they spend on their phone bill. Make sure you are on the right tariff One of the…

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  • Public Relations (PR) Tools

    Public Relations (PR) Tools

    Public relation is a field concerned with maintaining public image for high profile people, commercial businesses and organizations, nonprofit associations or programs. Public relation is everything from an attitude of mind down to a minute detail in the successful implementation of a program or a campaign. It is simply stated as, “the art and science…

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  • Top 10 Richest People in the World

    Top 10 Richest People in the World

    Every year so many people get their profit and loss statements after that a final financial profit is calculated. So here we are going to see the top 10 richest people in the world who earn more than billions of dollars every year from their own industries. 1. Carlos Slim Helu Country : Mexico |…

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  • Property in Chembur : Time to Reap the Benefits

    Property in Chembur : Time to Reap the Benefits

    If you have a decent budget and are looking for a 2/3/4 BHK flat in suburban Mumbai, then Chembur offers some great options. The only concern is that the prices have increased exponentially in the last two years. After a little pause, property prices have started climbing the ladder upwards. With a 2 BHK flat…

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  • Tips to Decrease Your Company Expenses

    Tips to Decrease Your Company Expenses

    Today in this competitive world struggling with your business with their cost is very much tough. Everyone wants to be happy with less expenses and more profit. We need to adopt some new plans and strategy to decrease company expenses. When an expense crosses its limit then it directly affect in whole business functions so…

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  • Reverse Take Over a Back Door to Market

    Reverse Take Over a Back Door to Market

    Reverse Take Over (RTO) simply refers to a back door to market for down going companies when they are not performing well in the market place. Reverse Take Over is one way to going public via bypassing reversing IPOs (Initial Public Offer) of the company, where a private company takes over all the shareholders worth…

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  • IBM Servers and Your Business

    IBM Servers and Your Business

    In this age of technology one of the hardest things for many older businesses is learning how to compete effectively in this computerized world. Computers have become necessary for everything from accounting to employee interaction and customer service. Yet not all computers are the same, and there are many systems and servers on the market…

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  • Benefits of Brand Mascots in Business

    Benefits of Brand Mascots in Business

    Brand Mascot, the word itself tells everything, where brand is goodwill of the product and mascot is costume for product promotion. There are several benefits and advantages of adopting brand mascots in the business where a product can be promoted in limited scope of expenditure. Business generally opt for a brand ambassador for promoting their product and…

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