11 Useful Tools for Salespeople

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Using the right tools would definitely bring benefit to your professional activities. The main question is – what are these tools? For your comfort, 11 best tools for business are offered below.

Useful Tools for Salespeople

1. Contactually

Contactually enables to integrate your email addresses and accounts in social networks, so you would be in touch with all members of your professional network. Mass mailing and templates will also be in use.

2. Salesforce

Salesforce is a cloud computing company developing CRM systems and subscription-based software. Management of your customers, log details, calls and many other things will be much easier with Salesforce.

3. FollowUp

Many salespeople tend to ignore following up, forgetting about its importance for sales activities. FollowUp tool manages your following up with prospects.

4. Postwire

Postwire is a great solution for sharing of documents, videos, images, web links, presentations and other valuable content with your customers or sales team.

5. LinkedIn

Many people use LinkedIn, but a few know all its advantages? This tool is useful for getting information about potential competitors and leads, as well as for many other things.

6. Rapportive

Rapportive is a Gmail add-on, which provides you with a detailed information about your contacts – image, position, workplace, mutual connections and social networks. Therefore, you will always know what the best content is for the people you are contacting with.


Nowadays, people may use several cloud accounts that sometimes gets troubles to find something. TOPDOX is designed to solve these issues. It is a collaboration platform working with any cloud storage and any document type.

8. Sidekick

Sidekick is a tool similar to Rapportive, allowing you to see information about your contacts. Its features include options to see recent conversations and to track your email.

9. Evernote

Evernote enables management of your notes by any device you are using. You can add also images and audio notes. Automatic synchronization of all of your devices would release you from searching across all your notepads.

10. Maptive

This tool is based on Google Maps. Maptive is a great sales map management service, allowing you to create different sales territories, improve your route and insert maps to a webpage or blog. You can add data about your customers to collect even more information.

11. Nethunt

NetHunt is a convenient Email CRM solution for your Gmail. Its main benefits are moderate prices and numerous features, such as mass mailing, unlimited records, email tracking and integration with Google Apps. Besides, it is available on AppStore and Google Play.

Do not hesitate and improve your sales by using any of these tools. Best wishes in your undertakings!

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