Top Careers in Computer Science

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Although the job market has been showing growth, many individuals entering college are still wary of choosing a career path. Young professionals want careers that they know are growing and will continue to offer stability and higher-end salaries as the years go on. The computer science industry is one that has maintained stability and growth through the market crash, and is projected to only grow through 2022.

A few of the top careers in computer science include:

Software Developer

If you are interested in creating apps or operating systems, a career in software development may be the right option for you. Typically, software developers take one of two paths: application developers who are more interested in designing computer software and databases, and those who create operating systems which are systems-focused developers. An additional perk to these creative careers is that they are only expected to grow through 2022.

Computer Systems Analyst

Computer systems analysts knowledge base is nothing to scoff at. These individuals know and understand computer software, hardware, and networks, and also understand how they all work together. Ultimately they are responsible for making sure that computers and information systems run as efficiently as possible, and they make recommendations to organizations regarding the best operations systems for their needs.

Web Developer

Are you a little more of a creative? Web developers are the design creatives of the computer science industry, and are typically responsible for making websites look their best. They choose the layouts, the fonts, and the images that are commonly associated with your favorite sites, and ensure that they are user friendly and appealing.

Information Security Analyst

Out of the computer science careers, information security analysts have the highest projected growth rate. These individuals create and monitor the security systems for computer networks within companies and government agencies. They also troubleshoot security systems in case of a breach. Although someone with a bachelor’s degree can obtain a position as an information security analyst, it usually isn’t an entry level position and may sometimes require an additional master’s degree.

IT Manager

If you have a knack for management and don’t mind being everyone’s go-to person, consider pursuing a career as an IT manager. An IT manager is responsible for a company or organization’s information technology department, and is also in charge of triaging and troubleshooting an IT problems that arise. These are the people who are the first to receive notifications when email or servers aren’t working properly, access the situation, and then delegate fixing the situation to others in the IT department.

Where to Begin?

If you are interested in pursuing a career in computer science, a bachelor’s degree is a must, and there are numerous schools all over the country that offer accredited programs. Computer science schools, such as Gwynedd Mercy University, offer degree programs in computer science specializing in some of the aforementioned careers.

If you live on the West coast, a school such as Cal Tech also offer accredited programs in computer science. For management positions, a Master’s degree may be preferred, but definitely isn’t a must as many careers in computer science offer individuals the opportunity to move up the ladder based on experience alone.

Another important aspect of education is obtaining an internship. An internship can provide you with hands on experience that a classroom education can’t. Not only does a good internship provide you with experience, but it also gives you a better understanding of the type of career in computer science that you want.

Computer science offers a variety of career paths and will only continue to give those interested opportunities to grow and develop with the industry. If you like technology, computers, or operational hardware and software, consider a career in computer science.

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