5 Safe Post-College Career Choices

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Post-College Career
5 Safe Post-College Career Choices

After college, many recent grads are overwhelmed with the prospect of having to look for a full time job! While some career paths are more difficult to enter or may be unstable, there are other jobs that are reliable and consistent. Here are 5 safe post-college career choices for recent graduates.


Schools are always in need of teachers. Teaching is a stable job that also provides a great deal of flexibility. You will get holidays and summers off to pursue other interests, further your education, prepare your curriculum and recharge. You can also choose to teach in a variety of settings including public or private schools, nursery schools, colleges and more. Keep in mind that different states have different credentialing requirements. You can also earn extra income through tutoring with a center or one-on-one at a family’s home or at the library.


Nurses are in high demand due to the current condition and state of the medical field. As people are living longer and longer lives, more and more professionals are needed to tend to their medical and quality of life needs. Right out of college, nurses can begin making a comfortable salary, on average around $60,000 per year! Many nurses eventually go on to earn six figures later in their career with more experience and knowledge. If you have a background in nursing, biology or healthcare, you can either get your nursing license in school or afterwards with additional training.

Pharmacy Technicians are Needed Very Frequently

If you are interested in pharmaceutical sales or becoming a pharmacist, this may be a great option for you right out of college. This job is reliable since pharmacies are everywhere–in every state, city or town no matter how big or small. Pharmacy technicians will assist pharmacists, prepare medications for patients, interact with customers, doctors as well as insurance companies, and more. This position is always in need of responsible, reliable professionals. Plus, the certification process is not lengthy or time consuming so you can get started quickly without additional schooling or tuition expenses.

Pursue a Job in Retail

Retail provides employees with the flexibility in their schedule to pursue other interests. When you are right out of college, you likely still need time to explore other options and decide what you want to do for the rest of your life! When you work in retail, you can make good money while also having a schedule that will permit you to do another job, internship, or small gigs on the side while you navigate options and opportunities.

Software Developer

Finally, as technology is getting more advanced and being used constantly, software developers are in high need to serve this need. Consumers and the public want more conveniences that technology can bring. If you have a background in math, computer programming, software or computer science, this is a stable career that is on the rise and will continue to grow well into the future.

When considering a career path out of college, be sure to consider these opportunities that are secure, reliable, exciting and financially smart. Depending on your interests you abilities you may chose to teach, become a nurse, go into retail, or develop computer programs!

No matter where your jobs take you, make a choice that will be interesting for you and that will give you the financial security and schedule flexibility you need as a young adult.

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