Tips for Using Online Review Sites to the Advantage of Your Business

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These days when it comes to running a successful business, it is even more essential than ever to make sure that you have favorable reviews on sites such as Tripadvisor and Yelp.  When a potential customer types in a search term for a business one of the first results to come up is usually one of these review sites and their review of your business.

Online Review

A common mistake that many non-tech-savvy business owners make is believing that these reviews won’t make a difference.  However, recent surveys show that most people will immediately discredit your business if your online review has less than 3 stars.  Therefore, it is in your favor as much as you may want to resist it, to make sure that you are working hard on your online review image.

Here are some of the best tips to make sure that you are staying on top.

Always Monitor Your Rating

Make sure that you are frequently checking your review on these sites, keeping an eye out for new incoming reviews and experiences.  Often if the customer gives specific details to what happened during their experience, you can use this information to make sure that you can fix any potential problems.

This is particularly important if you run a larger business and can’t keep a close eye on all details at all times.  By making sure that you are in tune with the feedback of your customers, you can ensure that the success of your business continues to propel forward.

Respond to Negative Reviews

Don’t be afraid to read the negative reviews and send a reply.  Always make sure to stay calm and not take negativity personally when looking at a negative comment.  Yes, some reviewers can be borderline absurd with their criticisms, but this is not about them.  Your response should reflect dignity and professionalism so that other people coming across the review will get a good impression of your willingness to please a customer.

Instead of arguing or defending your business, start by acknowledging that they had a negative experience and apologize.  Next, try to offer an alternative solution or compensation to make their next experience more agreeable.  It is in the interest of your business to try to convert this customer to a happy one than to have them remain an unhappy one.

Encourage Your Customers to Write a Review When They Are Happy

When your customers leave your business feeling happy or satisfied, don’t be afraid to encourage them to take their praises online.  You can explain to them that you appreciate their positive feedback so much that you would be honored for them to share it with fellow customers.

Usually customers who are very happy with their experience are more than willing to do this task for you.

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