Make Your Website More Searchable and Appealing

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There is nothing more wasteful than creating a boring website and never updating it or expanding it. If you’ve taken time to set up a website you obviously had a reason to make it, so why not make it interesting.

Even if what you’ve done is all you ever planned on doing with it you should know that giving people something new to look at once in a while will bring you more viewers.

Here are some things that you can do with your website to help attract more viewers, and even more sales if you are trying to sell products or services.

Make It Visual

It’s likely you’ve visited many websites in the years you’ve spent perusing the internet and you’ve probably seen some attractive ones as well as some pretty boring ones. You may also have seen some that were hard to read. Watch your colors, and how background colors blend with font colors.

Don’t clutter your webpage, but include a photo or some sort of clip art. People are attracted to images. You can also include keywords in the alt text for images to help grow visitors.

Use Keywords

One thing that really helps bring people to a website, boosting your business to the top of Google searches, is your use of keywords. Do some research and find out what words and phrases people use to find the things you sell, then integrate them into your website. Don’t just throw them in anywhere, but make them make sense. You want to turn your visitors into customers, and one way to do that is to get them to your site.

Keywords are great on every page of your website, but they are magnificent used in a blog.

Start a Blog

You want to give your readers something to look at and something informational, and nothing does this better than a blog. Your blog could be the key to turning visitors into customers. Give them useful info. make sure that what you are posting makes sense, and always end your posts with some sort of call to action so your readers know the next step. Whether you want them to contact you or just leave a comment, your call to action is your key to success.

Get on Social Media

One last, and important, way to get noticed and make your website more searchable is to get your business on social media. Use social media to share your website, newest blog posts and even to run giveaways to attract new customers and fans.

Social media offers your business a place to get on a more personal level with current and future customers. It’s also a way to build trust and to get your brand out there.

Don’t hesitate to go start updating your website now and see what a difference a few strategic changes can make.

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One response to “Make Your Website More Searchable and Appealing”

  1. Today Streams Avatar

    These are the very basic things that a normal internet marketing expert should know. Now a days, Google is focusing on website responsiveness. We should be careful for it.