Killer Tips for Successful Blogging

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Let’s admit it folks. We all have had passing thoughts about going through someone’s personal diary at some point in our lives. Just of curiosity. Blogging is the new age diary, albeit it’s all about sharing your thoughts and expressions with the online community at large. There are number of individuals who have taken to blogging, some are followed and respected while some are hardly visible or read. Social media are the crowded place with multiple channels trying to attract your attention. One needs to adopt some best practices while blogging to ensure that your blog gets the traffic it needs to be a popular one.

The blogger community has become an influential entity within the business and trend spotting public. Successful bloggers are able to monetize their blogs and gain visibility in offline media too. They are courted by brands that want to be associated with them as they have a wide reach amongst their audience.

Successful Blogging

To be a successful blogger, one can follow these 7 killer tips…

1. Unique Identity

You need to create a unique identity for your writing through your blog. Having a statement means posting consistent content which is all you. When people read your words, they should be able to feel that they know you personally which makes for a good storyteller in real life. Connect as a distinct personality with your blog having its own character.

2. Clarity of Purpose

Your blog must have a goal to express or share something specific. The approach may alter but all content needs to be clear, precise and engaging. By being clear about your objectives and the purpose of each entry ensures consistent traffic and easy to build networks.

3. Include Visuals, Data and Relevant Facts

The visual medium engages people instantly, facts and figures grab eyeballs and facts generate curiosity. A blog needs to be approached like an article for the front page newspaper. All of the above elements generate interest engaging the reader instantly. Including a good mix of the above in some entries will generate more traffic. Include video blogging and podcasting to generate more buzz. It’s about infotainment.

4. Publicize the Blog

Generate traffic by integrating it with your other social media pages, forums, networks, website etc. By linking your blog to other social media channels, generates different groups of visitors. One needs to engage by participating in other bloggers community, commenting or sharing a point of view as that will create a buzz around your blog.

5. End Your Posts with a Sneak Preview of the Next One

Ending the posts with a sneak preview of the next entry will help you keep the interest levels high. People like looking forward to something new, securing regular visits.

6. Invite Periodic Feedback

It’s important to keep your ear on the ground. By inviting feedback from your audience will give them a feeling of being involved. This helps in long term engagement.

7. Revisit the Experience

Try something different in terms of the blog look and feel periodically. Introduce new things or channels to keep it looking fresh. Make it relevant in terms on the content and the design value. Keep it organized and clutter free.

Get blogging successfully with these sure to work tips.

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4 responses to “Killer Tips for Successful Blogging”

  1. Kelvin Kay Z Avatar
    Kelvin Kay Z

    Wow!. Nice And Valid Tips Bro!. This Will Be Helpful To Both Pros. And Newbie Bloggers!

    1. Atul Kumar Pandey Avatar

      Welcome Kelvin, I hope this post would be a bookmark for all newbies and thanks for your feedback. Keep visiting this blog for new stories.

  2. Yogiraj mishra Avatar
    Yogiraj mishra

    Nice article bro! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Atul Kumar Pandey Avatar

      Welcome Yogiraj for your feedback. Keep visiting for more enthusiasm experience.