How to Use the Mailto Syntax in HTML

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The mailto syntax lets you create a hyperlink which redirects users to their default email software and applications on a single click. It works everywhere in web pages and supported my almost all browsers. Here user does not have to specify the email id of receiver for this email.


In language HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) you are probably aware of the mailto command where mailto syntax is used to allow users to directly launch their default email software and write their words and send it without entering senders email id and some time subjects also.

Assume that you want to create a mailto hyperlink which directly help users to send emails to the Administrator of this blog which is or and with subject “Customer Feedback” let see how to use commands.

Note : Remember that %20 is used for entering space.

1. Sending Mail to an Email Only

<a href=””>Mail Us</a>

2. Sending Mail to Multiple Emails

<a href=”,”>Mail Us</a>

3. Sending Mail to an Email with Subject Also

<a href=””>Mail Us</a>

This way you can use mailto syntax in your web pages. Hope you understand the usage of these codes and helpful for your future reference.

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