How to Prevent Hackers from Taking Your Cloud Saved Data?

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The cloud is an incredible technological achievement that has made storing and retrieving data possible no matter where you are in the world. You could be storing your customer’s data on the cloud, or perhaps your businesses’ trade secrets. Maybe, you’re an individual and you use the cloud to safeguard your photos, videos, and personal documents. No matter what you’re storing, you need to ensure that your data is protected. Hackers, viruses, and malware are a threat to your cloud storage, but if you employ the following strategies, you should be able to safeguard your data from potential threats.

Step 1: Employ Cloud Security

Secure network data is absolutely essential because it provides you with effective protection, as well as it allows you greater control over performance. Data Center Security, a component of cloud security, is the process of providing you or your business with tools that effectively monitor data, as well as protects it from security threats. In addition, the advanced security platform provides you with tools that allows you to manage a varied set of security capabilities across multiple environments from a single platform.

Step 2: Create a Backup

Creating a backup is going to ensure that if any Cloud data is lost, it can be uploaded again from a backup system. Offline backups should happen fairly regularly; perhaps, even whenever a new item is saved to the Cloud. This may seem excessive, but if you’ve ever lost data, you understand the need for excessive vigilance against security threats.

Step 3: Create a Disaster Recovery Plan

CSO, a blog that provides news, analysis, and research on security and risk management, warns that additional security measures must be taken to absolutely ensure your data’s safety. Do not hardcode any of your credentials to any of your systems. Credentials and access keys should be protected, and therefore not stored online. It’s also a good idea to enforce key and password changes every 90 days, and “take the extra time to properly set up identity and access management permissions.”

Step 4: Utilize Two-Factor Authentication Logins

Two-factor authentication is like a double password. It forces users to provide to measures of authenticating their identity, which should help to ensure only the person you want viewing your data is actually viewing your data.

Step 5: Protect Your Domain

Your domain is your website, and if it’s connected to your Cloud, it needs to be protected with the same fierce safeguards as your Cloud is. Seek out domains that offer additional security measures, such as unauthorized transfer preventions and automatic renewals. Auto-renewing your domain ensures your domain won’t accidentally fall into new hands.

Step 6: Encrypt Your Data

You can protect yourself by encrypting your data before it’s uploaded to the cloud. If the information is secure during upload, and also while it’s on your network, it will be harder for hackers to intercept or steal the data. Venture Beat recommends that you encrypt data in a way that only you (or otherwise authorized users) can decrypt the information once it’s downloaded.

When it comes to security, nothing is more precious than your data. Don’t allow hackers to steal your most important information. This could cripple your business, as well as it has the potential to ruin your life. So, employ these steps and ensure you don’t end up regretting not battling hackers before they infiltrated your Cloud.

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