Four Things Every Grandparent Really Wants in Their Life

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If you are not a daddy’s girl or a mommy’s boy, then you are probably your grandparents’ favorite. As a child, the mere idea of visiting grandma or grandpa’s house is exciting. We expect to be showered with love, hugs, kisses, and sometimes, surprise gifts. I, myself, am very close to my grandparents. Honestly, they have a tendency to spoil me a lot. Personally speaking, I think grandparents love their grandchildren more than their own child. I can feel their tender loving care the moment I receive their hugs and get served with a lot of food.


There are around 70 million grandparents in the U.S., with an average age of 50-years-old. They certainly play an important role in the betterment of a family. With many of them racing towards their senior years, if not already there, I think it is important to not just give back on their sacrifices and love but to show appreciation for their very existence in our lives. As the younger generation of the family, it is up to us on how we show thankfulness towards them. Honestly speaking, there is no better time to show gratitude than now; their time is quite limited at this moment. To help you give the best time to your grandparents, here are four things every senior citizen really wants.

Keeping Healthy

It is a scientific fact that a body’s efficiency declines as we age. Not only does the age shows in the sagging face, or a number of wrinkles but a senior can feel how simple, normal tasks now require extra effort. Our grandparents know the importance of keeping themselves fit, healthy, and strong. To give them a little more encouragement, visit them at least once a week for a morning walk or a little stroll in the park. Public parks, especially in the morning, are filled with groups of people participating in activities like yoga, Tai Chi or Zumba; physical activities that are perfect to keep them in tip-top shape.

Create Memories with You

You’re very lucky if your grandparents are still around. I personally would like to encourage you to spend more time with them and create wonderful memories while you still can. Imagine how heartwarming it feels to see the baby you used to carry, now grown into a capable, loving person, ready to reciprocate all the love and care you offered. Always make sure to give them regular visits, and make every visit an exciting and memorable one.

I think the most precious thing you can do is to go and travel with them. It would be special if you could take your grandparents for a trip down memory lane, and visit their previous school, workplace, or home town. If you feel like going the extra mile, then make some preparations, book a flight to take your grandparents back to some of their favorite spots, or somewhere they’ve always dreamed of going. If you like to keep it simple, then a local attraction in your town should suffice, as long as the activity you bond over is a good setting for creating lasting memories.

Be Included in Your Life

Our grandparents, as senior citizens, are old, but that’s just that. They still function just like any human being and are capable of socializing and interacting with other people. Sadly, many individuals easily forgot their worth, and just see them as nothing more than a nuisance in life. It is your duty to keep them feeling relevant, loved and important. Make the effort to make them feel like they are important, and included in your life.

Take the time to give them regular calls. Always keep in touch with them. Cook a meal for them, or cook with them on special occasions and family gatherings. Join them in their hobby, like gardening or any yard work. Offer to help them clean their house or make some repairs. And also, share your interests with them, like introducing them to brain games you’re addicted to. Schedule a movie night with them or attend a concert held by an artist they listen to. Not only do you get to listen to some classical music, but you have helped your grandparents relive their youth.

Learn New Technologies

I find it frustrating when people post or talk about how they find their parents and grandparents annoying when it comes to new technologies. Do they not realize the patience these people gave to our parents and our generations. Technology is a certain factor that can certainly distinguish the generation gap. Our generation is more adaptable to the smart everything the market has to offer.

Although these technologies can be alienating to your grandparents, there is no doubt it could help them have an easier, more comfortable life. Always take time to teach your grandma and grandpa the conveniences of available technology. Teach them how it works, the etiquette of using it, and what it requires. The next time your grandma sends you a long message in your comment section, simply give her a call or a private message, and teach her the proper ways of using social media.

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