Everything to Know About Your First MOT

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Passing your driving test is an amazing feeling and opens up a whole new world, but it can also be daunting and there is a lot to learn. This is not just while behind the wheel as motorists also need to know how to look after their vehicle, including taking the car for an MOT.


Read on for all that you need to know about the MOT.

What is an MOT?

An MOT is a test that assesses the roadworthiness of your vehicle. It is an annual test that will test various different parts of the car checking the safety, roadworthiness, and emissions. Every vehicle needs to have a valid MOT and motorists could be prosecuted and fined up to £1,000 for driving a car without a valid MOT.

When Do You Need to Get an MOT?

An MOT is required annually once a car is three years old. You can book your MOT online and this will need to be at an approved test center – there are over 20,000 in the UK so it is not too hard to find one nearby.

How Much Does it Cost?

The MOT costs a flat fee of £54.85 for cars. Keep in mind that if your car fails the MOT, you will need to pay for repairs and then get the test carried out again for £54.85. This is why it is so important for motorists to get their car ready for the MOT to increase the chances of passing the first time.

How to Prepare?

Leading on from this, there are a few things that you should do before the MOT to increase your chances of passing. A few basic tasks to complete include:

  • Check the windscreen wipers are in good condition
  • Check that all of the lights work and are clean
  • Check the tyre tread depth and pressure
  • Top up fluid levels
  • Clean the car inside and out
  • Test that the horn works

What If My Car Fails?

If your car passes, you will receive a certificate to display in the car and need to do nothing other than book another test when you are due. If you fail, the test center will notify you and provide a list of what work needs doing to pass the test. You can then either pay them to complete these for you or find another garage to do this. Once this has been done, the car will need to be retested.

This post should clear things up and help a new motorist to have a better understanding of the MOT test and what they need to do. It can be daunting at first, but once you have an MOT test done once and you know what needs to be done beforehand, it will become much easier and less stressful.

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