Creative Ways to Enhance a Learning Environment

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We are all massively impacted by our everyday environments; our surroundings affect so much of our mental and physical well-being. According to science, your environment can even influence how you feel.

In light of this knowledge, it makes perfect sense why classroom learning environments are so crucial to student performance. Students need to spend a chunk of time in the learning environment that educators provide.

Learning Environment

So, if you’re searching for ways to improve the learning environment to benefit your students, we’ve listed some creative ideas for you to consider.

Adjust the Furnishings and Layout.

The type of desks and chairs you choose will influence student comfort. But beyond comfort, desks and chairs will also affect posture and spine health.

Select desks and chairs that are the correct size for your students’ age group. Flexible seating is an excellent option to enhance spine health and comfort. Moreover, make sure the desk and chair layout allows students enough workspace.

Create an Art Space.

You can also use furnishings like room dividers to separate the classroom. And what better space to add to a positive learning environment than an art space.

Assemble an art corner in your classroom where students can explore their creative side. All you’ll need for this space is a few shelves to store art and craft supplies, classroom easels, an area rug, and room dividers for classrooms. And you can dress the walls up with your students’ creations.

Repaint with a Palette of Purpose.

When it comes to selecting a new inspiring color palette to repaint your classroom, it’s essential to choose more than just color. You will also need to consider color hue and saturation. It’s also best to use a combination of colors that complement one another well.

Keep in mind that green is associated with balance and harmony while blue is associated with direction, peace, and order. Brown is a great earthy color for structure and support, and yellow is associated with renewal and hope.

Repainting your classroom with a palette of positive colors in soft hues is a creative way to enhance the learning environment because color can massively influence mood.

Add an Area Rug for Comfort.

Area rugs are statement decor pieces in interior design that are also pretty functional. Beyond adding depth and texture to a room, an area rug also adds warmth and comfort. Choose a large classroom area rug that complements the new color palette.

Light up the Room.

Even though most classrooms are built for maximum natural light exposure, it’s still a great idea to add more light to the room. Add fluorescent bright white lights to ensure the learning environment is adequately lit for productivity.

It’s still wise to make use of natural light and consider installing blinds to prevent glare on student work desks.

Add the Element of Music.

There are many valid reasons why educators should consider music in their learning environments. Not only does music speed up learning, but it also promotes memory and enriches the learning experience.

There’s no doubt that music motivates students to focus better, and it can even help educators better control disruptive students, as a result.

Even so, the choice of music is fundamental when using music in a learning environment; you won’t want to create a party atmosphere in your classroom. So, stick to classical music, soothing, and calming genres.

Air Quality and Temperature.

It’s unarguable that air quality is essential for all environments, so be sure the HVAC unit in your classroom is functioning well all year round.

In addition to air quality, the temperature will also influence learning and mood. Of course, students won’t be able to focus well if it’s the middle of winter and there’s no heating in the classroom. The same applies to the disorientating heat of summer.

Be sure your classroom has suitable heating and cooling solutions that work efficiently throughout the year.

Flipping the Classroom.

Another creative way to enhance the learning environment is considering a flipped classroom. A flipped classroom is a learning system that encourages students to learn new material at home. Basically, the way of learning is inverted.

With this system of learning, students have the opportunity to grasp new information beforehand and prepare questions for areas of difficulty. Instead of battling to understand new material in the classroom and failing homework projects, students are more able to absorb coursework.

That said, you’ll need to use a learning management system for a flipped classroom environment to work well.

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