Celebrity Secrets for Looking So Good

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It seems like some celebrities just never age.  They also always have great bodies, perfect teeth, and before you know it you’re already starting to question how they got so lucky and blessed with perfect genes while the rest of us mortals remain so “normal.”

Before you start getting too down on yourself making comparisons, keep in mind that celebrities have access to a lot of perks that everyday non-celebrity folks like us simply don’t have access to.  It’s no accident that these stars look fantastic.  Here are some of their look-good secrets that you might not have considered are factors.

Plastic Surgery

Because many celebrities depend on their physicalities to make a living, it’s not only in their best interest to look their best, but also in the best interest of their agents, producers, and directors.  Therefore it’s not uncommon for them to be encouraged to do some nip and tuck more often than not.

Getting plastic surgery done is incredibly common in Hollywood.  You might even consider it the same as going to the dentist in their worlds. Because of this access to some of the best plastic surgeons in the world, their surgeries are subtle and sometimes not always obvious.  This increases their conventionally good looks leading us to believe that they were born that way.  Definitely not the case many times.

Personal Trainers

While you find it a challenge just to get up and brush your teeth, get in the car, and go to the gym for 30 minutes on the treadmill, celebrities have someone to come to their house, motivate them, and guide them through specialized workouts in the comfort of their private gyms.

If they were normal everyday people like the rest of us, chances are they might have slept through their alarm and opted to skip the gym too.  But when you have someone to come in and kick your butt for you, how can your really resist but look fabulous?  It makes the work a lot easier to get done when you’re getting forced and being given a special workout by a famous trainer.

Professional Makeup Artists

Celebrities have someone at their beck and call to make them look (literally) like a movie star every day.  We are not talking about slapping some foundation on and lipstick.  These are highly trained and sought after professionals who know the art of highlighting, contouring, hairstyling and making facial features pop in ways that only a professional can.

Therefore what might seem like natural beauty is actually skillfully placed makeup in all the right places.

It’s easy to believe that these people “woke up like this” when in reality they most definitely woke up with crazy morning bangs and bad breath like the rest of us.

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