Beginners’ Guide to Increasing Twitter Followers

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It is pointless to be on Twitter if you don’t have a sizeable list of followers to get your message across to. Unless of course you are a celebrity with an already established fan following, earning those followers may require some strategizing and effort. The focus here must remain on earning followers organically and ethically. This beginners’ guide to increasing Twitter followers is packed with useful tips.


  1. The first important step to create Twitter profile that is worth following. Once you arrive on the micro-blogging site, invest some time in setting up a profile that attracts followers, complete with a photo avatar and an impressive bio.
  2. Use your Twitter handle to post interesting, thought-provoking content. Add variety by tweeting about a different topics, be candid and honest in your opinion, share interesting links, and make multimedia such as videos and photos an integral part of your posts.
  3. Keep those tweets coming because followers tend to lose interest in a dormant Twitter handle. You should aim for at least one tweet a day but if you have something important to say, don’t hold yourself back from posting as many as you like.
  4. The timing of your tweets is as important as the frequency. Do a little research of your own by tweeting at different times of the day to see when do you get the maximum responses and time your tweets accordingly.
  5. Hashtags are a great way to connect with like-minded people and improve your visibility. However, it is important to use these judiciously and sparingly, as excess of hashtags can prove counterproductive. It is also pays to run a search on trending keywords and phrases and weave your hashtags around them.
  6. When someone follows you, return the favor and follow them back.
  7. If you already have an established blog or website when you arrive on Twitter, install plugins and widgets that prompt visitors to ‘follow you on Twitter’.
  8. Try to reach out celebrities with a massive Twitter following by sending the direct (or @) messages. Though you may not get a response for every @ message you send out, even if one celebrity chooses to retweet or reply, it’ll mean hitting a goldmine in term of followers.
  9. Start following people who share your interests and passions and then follow their followers, as there is a greater probability of like-minded people following one another.
  10. Start following celebrities and retweet popular tweets that are in sync with your interests.
  11. Urge your followers to retweet your content by simply adding a Please RT footnote at the end. People often think of it as a desperate measure, but you’ll be surprised to see how often your followers will be happy to oblige.
  12. You can also consider the option of buying followers. But before you decide to order a batch of Twitter followers.
  13. Don’t hesitate in unfollowing those who have not followed you back. This prevents you from hitting a wall in terms of follow limits and keeps the list of people you follow and your followers relevant.

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