5 Rules You Must Follow When Buying Followers on Twitter

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You may have heard that having a large following is great for your Twitter account. It gives the impression that you offer valuable content and updates, so more people want to follow you. It also spreads the word to more people when you have more following you, which can increase your business. This has led to people buying followers on Twitter and other social media accounts.

5 Rules You Must Follow When Buying Followers on Twitter

There is nothing wrong with this as long as you follow five basic and important rules. These will not only help you get the best value for money, but protect you from problems with your account in the future.

Make Sure the Followers are Genuine

Always check that these followers will be from real accounts. There are many bot accounts out there, and they do nothing for your business. While they give the impression that you have a large following, they will not do anything once you have them. In fact, you could end up quickly seeing your number of followers drop as Twitter gets rid of the bot accounts, and you’re back to square one.

Genuine followers are more likely to retweet your updates. This is what you really want as it makes your posts go viral.

Ask About Targeted Followers

It’s worth finding out about targeted followers on the social networking site. This will help you with your marketing, as people who are interested in your content are more likely to share it. You can also improve your chances of your content being read, so you make more money within your business.

Targeted Followers
Targeted Followers

Targeted followers will mean something different for everyone. You may prefer that they just come from one specific location. However, you may want those who are generally interested in the products or services your business has to offer.

Find Active Followers

You will need to spend more money, but active followers are much better. These are not just real people, but they will help your business. Your posts will be retweeted and even favourited. You will find that this improves your organic reach and following.

However, you do need to find out what the active followers expect from you. This can require extra work, in terms of following back and retweeting their content.

Following the Terms of Service

Make sure any company you buy followers from will follow Twitter’s terms of service. There are clauses that make it wrong to buy followers, especially the bot followers. If you go along with these black hat tactics, you could find that your own account is suspended and deleted. You may never be able to get an account again. Is it really worth risking it all for the sake of a few thousand followers?

Most companies will know the rules about adding followers to your account. If they’re not sure, then you need to move onto the next company.

Use it to Your Advantage

Once you get the followers, the work doesn’t stop there. You need to put the effort in to share things through your Twitter account and get the posts going viral. If you just sit back and wait for something to happen, you will be disappointed. For most people, the buying of likes is for reputability and not for marketing.

You do need to be careful when it comes to buying followers.

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2 responses to “5 Rules You Must Follow When Buying Followers on Twitter”

  1. Harish Bali Avatar

    First of all Congrats, in very short time you have made space for yourself. Let me tell you that you rank high on readability of your content.

    one needs to be sure of the source, don’t be too conscious of the price quote. there are offers like 10k followers for as less as $25. as mentioned by you one should make sure that the followers are genuine and from have interest in your niche.


    1. Atul Kumar Pandey Avatar

      Thanks for your comment Harish Bali,

      I have seen many people buying bulk followers as you said in cheaper price and they get it but the real difference is that the followers are not from interest base. If you are a Health and Fitness blog and you are targeting Technology followers then not even single followers will promote you.

      No one can give us 10 Thousand real followers in just 25 Bucks, or if he gives then the case would be like above or you are going to follow the exact number of followers.

      Thanks for visiting us, keep visiting and stay tuned with our latest updates. 🙂