5 Digital Signage Design Trends That Are Revolutionizing the Industry

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The marketing landscape has changed tremendously over the last few decades. Two decades back, businesses had few advertising platforms which were already proving too expensive to adopt. Small businesses were finding it hard to leverage electronic media to cost while print media was gradually getting out of fashion. This has now changed with advances in technology and adoption of cutting edge development.

In a world where customer engagement is key to business success, digital signage has evolved from just being a display tool into an interactive information distribution channel also offering entertainment across a wide range of businesses. The idea is to captivate your target audience and draw them to the purchase point.

Leveraging Cutting Edge Design

Today signage boards have been transformed into one of the strongest advertising tools. With advances in digital technology, more information can be displayed more interactively. Modern signage design makes it possible to develop templates that are more flexible and functional. Customization is now possible due to cutting edge software being used by signage developers.

More Businesses Capitalizing on Signage Benefits

The industry grew by 12% in 2015 according to a study by Lyle Bunn, an industry expert with over 40 years in the industry. This comes as more businesses realize the benefits of this digital advertising tool. Here are some interesting numbers by Video Corporation of America (VCA) highlighting the importance of smart signage for all businesses:

  • Digital signboards boast 47.7% effectiveness in brand awareness.
  • Businesses using signboards record 31% increase in overall sales.
  • Average purchase rate increases by 29.5%.
  • 42% of viewers love shopping at stores with video display.

Simply put, your business should embrace this smart marketing idea. It helps in timely display in case you want to make changes to prices or offers. Video display also increases appeal by creating an ambient environment where digital menu boards can also be used for entertainment. These boards will also help cut cost of operations, increase visibility of your brand, provide excellent customer service and trigger more purchasing action.

Cool Digital Board Trends that will Affect Design

If you are designing a template for your digital menu boards, you need to know the latest trends in the industry. With the rapid changes in digital technology, you will have to stay abreast with these developments to leverage better displays. This helps generate more interest on your content and a better ROI. Here are some of the ideas to consider when choosing your design board templates:

Social Media Integration

There is no denying that most people on the internet are using social media. A Pew Internet Project’s research shows 74% of all adults are using social media. In fact, social media marketing (SMM) has now become an integral part of every marketing campaign. Social media is one of the strongest tools in increasing customer loyalty and engagement.
Social media has now come to digital display and your business must marry the two approaches for better engagement. Bug brands are now making the most out of social media feeds by allowing real-time interactions. You can get your display content shared rapidly using hashtags displayed on the screens. If there are emergencies, display tweets on your screen, and if there are limited opportunities on offer make sure they can see that on the screen for them to share.

More Interactivity

Digital signs grab more attention static signs and one reason to capitalize on this is to make your templates more interactive. Adding interactive elements when designing the template will not only increase customer loyalty but provide customer service. Think of a system that can recognize regular customers and goes on to greet them when they walk in. It might sound surreal but with advances in near field communication (NFC) and face recognition technologies, this is a trend you need to consider on your digital boards.

Mobile Integration

Most people are on their smartphones even when they shop. You can now leverage the popularity of smartphones to display information which can be captured on these devices and then shared. You can also blend the two technologies to improve your customer service. If, for instance, a customer can scan a QR code and use it to receive a special offer this will increase the popularity of your store. Remember the interactive What’s In A Name Campaign by Coke? The campaign generated a lot of interest across the world with the opportunity to see your name displayed at the Times Square being too much to resist.

High Resolution Displays and LED

4k TVs are now within the price range of most businesses and the trend is towards providing the crispest display to impress customers. The giant screens are now a favorite in the service industry and more brands are investing in the same to provide the best user experience. LED screens have also revolutionized digital displays with giants such as Samsung already releasing affordable screens. LED is more affordable and energy efficient and the rich color options make it the perfect solution for advertising.

Enter the 3D Technology

If you are going to impress with your digital menu boards you might as well as go all the way and use cutting edge 3D technology. Well, this might not be available as an option for smaller brands, but with advances in 3D technology, this is a trend to be on the lookout for. 3D holographic displays will become a reality as more tech giants adopt the idea.

While some of these trends might not be readily available in the market they are bound to revolutionize the industry. There is no denying the place of digital signs in modern business and your business must invest in the coolest templates to get the most out of the technology. The growth of social media, for instance, makes it crucial for digital sign board designers to develop products that support such changes. The immense growth of mobile also means all design templates must be optimized for this new reality.

This article is presented by Jim Clark. He is an IT consultant and digital signage designer based in New York. He has worked in the industry for the last 15 years. Jim writes on topical issues in the industry and is a regular speaker at national conferences on digital marketing.

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