Getting to the job interview stage of the application process is an achievement in and of itself these days, especially when you consider how competitive nearly every position is out there.
Sure, things like CVmaker can make sure you have the most compelling and relevantly present CV out there, but they can’t help you ace the interview itself.

For that, we’ve come up with ten tips for a job interview that will help you amplify what is on your CV as well as get the job of your dreams.
10. Research
Before you head out to a job interview be sure to do your research on the company first. You’ll want to come equipped with as much information as will make you look like a credible, passionate candidate for the job.
9. Dress to Impress
It goes without saying that you only have one chance to look your best. Dress to impress but also dress appropriately for the office culture. If you know for a fact that you are heading to a casual workplace where no one wears a suit as a rule, then you probably shouldn’t show up in a suit.
8. Be Enthusiastic
You’ll want your enthusiasm for the job and the company to shine through in your interview. You’ll also want to display some sense of purpose and direction in terms of what has brought to you to the interview.
7. Bring Materials with You
You’ll want to bring business cards, copies of your CV, and other appropriate materials along with you to your interview. It not only shows that you are prepared but it makes the process of interviewing that much easier for everyone.
6. Listen
Listen not only because it is the polite thing to do but also because the more your interviewer speaks, the more information you can glean from them to help you during the interview.
5. Arrive Early
It goes without saying that you need to arrive on time, better yet, arrive early. Being late won’t disqualify you from a job but it won’t help your chances either.
4. Give Examples
When you talk about past accomplishments, give concrete examples and real-world numbers. If you did something amazing in a previous position, explain it and quantify it.
3. Ask Questions
During the interview process, you should prepare yourself to ask questions of your interviewer. This could be about the firm to which you are applying or process questions and the like. What this shows is that you are engaged and committed to what is happening in that room.
2. Inquire About a Followup
Before you end an interview, be sure to find out what steps constitute the following up procedure to enable you to find out the status of your application.
1. After the Interview
A polite thank-you note after the interview and a call two weeks later not only marks you as a conscientious job applicant but also it helps keep your name in the mix.
Also, have a look at some common mistakes candidates make in the interview process.