Most Common Job Interview Questions and How to Answer Them?

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Preparing for an interview can be nerve-wracking. Since you don’t know what the interviewer will ask, you can prepare with the following ten most common job interview questions and how to answer them.


01. Can you tell me something about yourself that I don’t see in your resume?

It seems simple, right? Wrong. The key here is not to mention what is already in your resume – after all, your resume is probably what got you to the interview in the first place. Try tailoring your answer to the position of the job that you are applying for. Talk about some of your experiences or accomplishments that you want the interviewer to know. Mention things from your past, present, and even your future.

02. What do you know about our company?

If you haven’t done your research about the company before applying, you have already made the wrong move. You want to know about the company that you are applying to and will be potentially working for. Read and understand the mission statement and goals of the company. You can share some examples of reasons why you may agree with them or why they inspire you.

03. Can you describe a conflict that you have experienced and how you resolved it?

Conflicts happen in almost every job, and the interviewer wants to know how you will react in such cases. You don’t want to mention the one time you suddenly lost your cool and yelled because someone ate the sandwich you left in the fridge for lunch. Using the STAR approach can help you describe the situation. State the situation and the task that you were handling as this will explain how the conflict arose. Proceed with your actions and the result while making sure to leave on a positive note.

04. What is your ideal or dream job?

Be ambitious yet realistic. Applying for an accounting position and mentioning that you want to be a legendary sports star, may not be your best bet.

05. What is your greatest weakness and strength?

For your weakness, avoid saying “nothing” because the truth is, no one is perfect. Mention something that you are struggling with, but are working to improve. For your strength, focus on what you are truly good at.

06. What are you looking for regarding salary?

First and foremost, do your research as to what you should be paid for the position you are applying for. When you figure out a range, it may be best for you to state the highest number from there based on your skills and experience. If you are willing to negotiate, make sure you let the interviewer know.

07. What do you do in your free time?

We all love chilling on the couch and watching movies in our downtime, but that is not what the interviewer wants to hear. Tell them about a hobby or your love for sports and why watching Sunday night football is one of your passions.

08. Why should we hire you?

This is your chance to sell yourself. Be sure to tell the interviewer that you not only have the ability and knowledge to do the work but that you can also deliver results. Explain why you feel that you are a better fit than the rest of the candidates.

09. Why did you or are you leaving your current place of employment?

It may seem like a tough question to answer, but it may be asked. Rather than being negative about the situation, you can put a positive spin on things. Talk about how you are ready for new opportunities, are interested in growing, and even how the role you are interviewing for may be a better fit for you. If you were fired from your previous place of employment, it is perfectly fine to say something along the lines of “Unfortunately, I was discharged.”

10. Do you have any questions for me?

See if this is the ideal job for you. Ask about anything that hasn’t been answered during the interview. Salary, benefits, the company, your department, supervisor, etc. Go out of the box and ask what the company can offer you.

Make sure to be on time for your interview and dress for the part. Take a deep breath and rock the interview!

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