Nearly everyone has to deal with some unexpected expenses at some point. You might get hit with a bill out of nowhere. If it’s something you absolutely must pay for, that can be distressing. There are always ways you can get past such situations, though. Let’s talk about some options right now. Look Into Getting…
If you’re looking for a type of mutual fund that lets you generate wealth while saving on taxes, Equity-Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS) is your best bet. This is the only type of mutual fund that lets you save up to Rs. 1.50 lakh on taxes under section 80C of the Income Tax Act,1961. However, don’t…
The vast majority of income earners struggle with debt and similar financial issues. While some of us keep sinking deeper into debt, others gradually manage to get out of it. Ideally, you should be in the latter group. If you are worried about the finances of the future, here is a list of good habits…
Launched in the year 2015, the Sukanya Samriddhi account is one of the more applicable instruments for saving for one’s children for future needs. Apart from the Sukanya Samriddhi account, the Public Provident Fund is yet another popular savings scheme doing the rounds in the market. However, there are certain marked differences between both the…