Tag: Project

  • Angle Iron Basics: How to Select the Right Type for Your Project?

    Angle Iron Basics: How to Select the Right Type for Your Project?

    Angle irons are all around you, though you may not know it. If you’re sitting in a room surrounded by furniture, it’s more than likely some of the pieces feature angle irons. If you walk down the street past some buildings, you’re close to angle irons in those moments as well. You may also need…

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  • How to Manage a Commercial Construction Project?

    How to Manage a Commercial Construction Project?

    Managing a commercial construction project requires a meticulous approach. These construction projects require lots of resources and preparation before development begins. The project’s success relies on paying attention to the details, which allows every step of the construction process to go smoothly. A commercial construction project is often led by a project manager, who will…

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  • Should You Pursue a Course on Project Management to Advance Your Career?

    Should You Pursue a Course on Project Management to Advance Your Career?

    In the modern business world, conventional management techniques and best-practices can fall short in handling the complexities of multi-departmental corporations. Responsibilities and processes from diverse areas such as HR and the legal department have become so intertwined that it is difficult to manage one without effective handling of the other. The increasing complexities in job…

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  • A More Effective Approach to Completing Projects

    A More Effective Approach to Completing Projects

    Do you have a challenging project coming up and you’re already anticipating the late nights and stress? While your current work process in projects may be adequate, there might still be room for improvement. With agile training Bay Area from ZenAgile, you can learn how to tackle intimidating work, solve problems, and improve individual and…

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  • Analyzing People, Projects, and Data: Keys to Management Success

    Management can sometimes seem like a topic that you want to approach from a ‘feelings’ level rather than from a logical perspective, because in the end, the idea of managing is going to be about working with people in social situations. However, there’s a tremendous amount to be learned through analysis and hard data collection…

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