Tag: Commercial Construction

  • Angle Iron Basics: How to Select the Right Type for Your Project?

    Angle Iron Basics: How to Select the Right Type for Your Project?

    Angle irons are all around you, though you may not know it. If you’re sitting in a room surrounded by furniture, it’s more than likely some of the pieces feature angle irons. If you walk down the street past some buildings, you’re close to angle irons in those moments as well. You may also need…

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  • Why Welding Plays Such an Important Role in Manufacturing and Construction

    Why Welding Plays Such an Important Role in Manufacturing and Construction

    A simplified view of welding is that it plays a perfunctory role in the manufacturing process by being used to join pieces of metal together. That view could not be further from the truth. Welding plays a vital and complex role in the spheres of manufacturing and construction. This indispensable process, harnessing the power of…

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  • How Steel Structures Increase the Resale Value of a Property?

    How Steel Structures Increase the Resale Value of a Property?

    Steel structures are used for a wide array of purposes. While many different materials are used at construction sites, steel remains one of the most popular due to its myriad of benefits. For example, steel tends to be less expensive than many other construction materials and also tends to be far more durable. Steel is…

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  • Tips to Prevent Injury in Construction Sites

    Tips to Prevent Injury in Construction Sites

    All business owners need to take steps to prevent injuries, but this is particularly true in construction, as this is a hazardous industry where there are many serious injuries and even deaths each year — more workers die in construction than in any other industry. Often, these accidents could have been prevented, and it is…

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  • How Steel Benefits Buildings?

    How Steel Benefits Buildings?

    When starting a new build, many contractors opt for wood or concrete for their projects. However, engineered steel is a highly economical and practical building material for commercial and residential structures. There’s been a slight transition to using metal, primarily steel, for construction jobs. It makes sense considering that building with metal comes with numerous…

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  • How to Manage a Commercial Construction Project?

    How to Manage a Commercial Construction Project?

    Managing a commercial construction project requires a meticulous approach. These construction projects require lots of resources and preparation before development begins. The project’s success relies on paying attention to the details, which allows every step of the construction process to go smoothly. A commercial construction project is often led by a project manager, who will…

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