How to Sleep Better as You Age with These Fantastic Tips

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Getting adequate sleep is essential for everyone, even more so for those who are aging. Our overall health and wellness can be influenced by the quality of our sleep. In fact, as we age, a restful night’s sleep becomes more crucial because it helps us improve our focus, alertness, and how we form our memories.

As you age, you may experience normal changes in your sleeping patterns. You may feel sleepy at an earlier time, wake up earlier than usual or become a light sleeper.

However, interrupted sleep, feeling tired after waking up each day, and other signs of insomnia are not part of the aging process.

Here are several tips to help you deal with age-related sleep issues, so you can get a good night’s sleep.

Get a Comfortable and Supportive Bed

Your mattress should offer excellent support and relief from pressure points. As we age, our bodies are more susceptible to experiencing various body aches and pains. The pillows you use must also give adequate support to your neck and shoulders.

Have a Cool Room Temperature

The place where you sleep should have the right temperature. If you have air-conditioning, keep your thermostat at around 65 degrees because that is an ideal room temperature for sleeping, according to the National Sleep Foundation.

Suppress Noise and Light

Sometimes, the slightest noise can easily disturb your sleep. So try using earplugs or a white noise machine to block out ambient noise. You can use thick, heavy curtains to keep the light outside from creeping into your room. Also, have an eye mask handy at your bedside table.

Evaluate Your Bedroom

Do you have belongings scattered across your room? If you do, it is better to remove all the unnecessary items that clutter your room. Create an ideal sleeping environment by eliminating things that may cause unpleasant smells. Put some plants or flowers to freshen and detoxify the air.

Wear Comfortable Clothing

The clothes you wear should be suitable for the current weather. During the warm summer months, use light and loose-fitting sleepwear, preferably made from cotton. When you feel hot, your sleep will be disturbed because you’ll break out in a sweat. If the temperature is too cold, you may wake up to urinate more frequently than usual.

Watch What You Eat and Drink

Limit your caffeine intake late in the day. Don’t drink alcoholic beverages before bedtime. Avoid eating heavy and spicy meals. A light snack like cereal, yogurt or warm milk and crackers will do just fine if you’re still hungry. Refrain from drinking too much liquid an hour or two before sleeping to avoid being woken up because you have to urinate.

Exercise Regularly

It becomes more and more important to engage in physical activity as you age. Being sedentary the whole day also contributes to sleeplessness. Do some light exercise routines at least 150 minutes each week to help keep you in shape and improve the quality of your sleep.

Feel free to try all of the tips listed above and see what works best for you. If you have tips to share, feel free to leave a comment below.

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