Safety Tips to Secure Your Home from Fire

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Losing your home to fire is a terrifying experience. However, there are plenty of measures you can take to prevent fires and keep your home safe. Here are a few tips on how to achieve this.

Secure Your Home from Fire
Secure Your Home from Fire

1. Keep an Eye on Your Kitchen

Most home fires originate from the kitchen. To secure your home from kitchen fires, make sure you clear any flammable materials such as dish towels out of the way of your stove, microwave, or oven. Don’t let your curtains hang near your stoves. The cooking surfaces should be free of flammable materials. In addition, kitchen chimneys should be regularly inspected and existing flaws repaired.

You should stay by your gas or oven when food is cooking. Don’t leave the pot unattended. If you need to leave the room, switch off the gas and take the pot off. Remember to keep your pot handles turned inwards so that they are not in the way of anyone passing by. Small kids and pets should not be allowed into the kitchen while cooking.

2. Test Your Smoke Detectors

Fire and smoke detectors are a smart way to ensure your home is safe from fires. Your home should be installed with alarms from trusted fire alarm companies at each level.

The detectors should be tested every month to ensure they are in excellent condition. It’s easy to forget to inspect them, so it’s worth setting a reminder on your phone’s calendar. If they are not working, replace them immediately. Don’t forget to educate the rest of your family on how the alarm functions.

3. Inspect Your Heaters

Heating sources are another big cause of fires in homes. Heaters should be placed at least 3 feet away from combustible materials such as clothes, furniture, and bedsheets. Kids and pets should also not be allowed near operating heaters.

An annual inspection would also reduce the risk of fires. Furnace filters should be regularly replaced as they can easily have an accumulation of dust and debris that can result in fires. Water heaters that run on gas should also be inspected. Make sure no items are kept close.

4. Maintain Electrical Equipment

To avoid the risks of fire from electrical appliances, you should check them and ensure they have protected covers. If you notice any frayed wires, replace them immediately.

Electrical wires can produce heat, so they should not be trapped under carpets or furniture. When you are not using your appliances, unplug them from the power source. This will prevent them from heating, which can cause fires.

If your plugs are not in good condition, get a proper replacement. Fuses and breakers that blow frequently should also be changed. Don’t rely too much on extension cords as they quickly deteriorate with frequent use. Read the labels of the extensions to ensure they are rated for the watts they are supplying.

5. Store Flammable Products Properly

Most household cleaners and products such as hair spray and shaving cream are flammable. They should be kept away from heat sources, including direct sunlight. You should have cool and dark storage for such products.

Keep other flammable materials such as gasoline and paint in their original containers; if not, ensure they are stored in clearly labeled containers. If a container develops leaks, transfer the contents to a new one that is made from a designated material. Paint should be stored upside down in a tightly closed paint container so that the paint forms a seal.

6. Smoke Conscientiously

Avoid smoking in bed because you might fall asleep with the cigarette on. Never leave used butts on the floor. Instead, dispose of them appropriately.

Final Thoughts

These measures will prevent the devastating damages that can be caused by fire. Make them part of your life and follow them strictly.

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