Exams and test are stressful for most students and for their parents too. You can help to reduce the stress by focusing on your revision, with hard work and enough time you could find yourself scoring high and impressing everyone with your talents.

1. Create the Perfect Revision Zone. It needs to be on a table or desk that has enough room for your books, computer and light. Make sure the desk is away from the television, but you can play music in the background if it helps you to concentrate.
2. Write a Revision Timetable and Stick to it. The timetable will help you to plan out how much time you have and what subjects to concentrate on. Make sure you show the timetable to your family so they can leave you alone to concentrate or ensure they’re free to help you if you need it.
3. Buy a New Pad of Paper or Notepad and Use it to Keep Revision Notes. Summarize the main points of the topic you’re learning about, draw pictures, write quotes and sayings. Writing down what you’re reading helps you to remember.
4. Self-testing is Useful but it’s better to ask friends and family to test you as you won’t know what’s coming. You should also make an effort to attend any revision classes you can.
5. Record Notes onto a Dictaphone or your phone and play them back to yourself instead of reading.
6. Don’t Overdo it. Take plenty of short breaks to stretch your legs and grab refreshment. You should have a break at least once an hour for ten minutes.
7. Schedule in Time to relax and have days off from revision. You don’t want to be stressed so allow yourself time to completely unwind on the weekend. You should take a break from the books and get some fresh air and enjoy time with your friends.
8. Always Make Sure You Have a Good Night’s Sleep. Aim for eight hours sleep if possible. If want a perfect and fresh day take exact six and a half hour sleep.
9. Practice Meditation. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed during an exam and that is when you need to be able to calm yourself and your nerves. Meditation and focusing on your breathing will help you.
10.Stay Positive; positivity helps you to succeed whereas negative thoughts only do damage.
There tips will help you to go through all the necessary topics in time for the test. We also recommend that you watch the foods you’re eating, choosing plenty of whole grains and Omega 3; these brain foods could give you an extra boost.
Additional Revision Advice
Finally we recommend practicing for the test frequently. Schools often hand out one or two past exam papers to help with homework and these can be extremely useful. Not only do the revision papers go over the topics they can also be used to prepare you for the types of questions you’ll be facing and to time you, so you don’t end up running out of time on the big day.