Nurse Burnout: Coping Strategies to Boost Productivity

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If you are thinking about becoming a nurse, you should be ready to handle an enormous workload and tight schedules. Although many students who learn nursing online think they are ready for what is in store for them once they start practicing their careers, many find themselves feeling tired and burnt out when they start working. Nursing is a career that involves long shifts. Moreover, the high-pressure environment puts you at risk of feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted. It is important to develop coping strategies that can help boost productivity during physical and emotional strain.

Nurse Burnout

Some of the ways you can deal with nurse burnout include:

Identify triggers.

Being a nurse means constant exposure to potential mental and physical stressors. If you want to reduce the impact of stressful situations on your emotions, you need first to identify what your triggers are. The best way to stay ahead of your feelings is to journal so that you can identify situations that might have stood out in making you feel stressed or anxious. When you pay attention to your triggers, you will be in a better position to control your emotions by preparing your mindset to tackle whatever lies ahead.

Maintain your well being.

Although most of the reasons you feel burnt out relate to your job, it would be wise to engage in daily activities that maintain your health. Ensure that you consume a healthy balanced meal every day to keep your quality of life.

Nurses constantly make crucial, life or death, decisions that can mentally exhaust their brains. Another way to avoid compromising your health is to stick to a workout routine that will help keep your body strong and help your brain focus.

Take time to relax your mind. Set aside at least ten minutes every day to focus on your breathing and remain present so that you relax your mind and do not get lost in whatever trauma you might have experienced at work.

Set boundaries.

It is okay to be ambitious and achieve the most out of your nursing career. However, do not take more work than your mind and body can handle. Develop a realistic schedule and stick to it. Ensure that you allocate enough time for your hobbies. Also, your friends and family are essential. Taking time off to spend time with them is a great way to stay grounded and grateful for your things. If it is time to take a break, respect your schedule and set boundaries. You might not notice it initially, but too much work will gradually develop burnout.

Ask for help.

If you feel burnt out, the chances are high that your mental and physical health may be in jeopardy. Anxiety and depression are some common conditions associated with nurse burnout. You do not have to deal with these problems on your own. If you feel overwhelmed, seek help from a specialist.

Talking about what makes you feel stressed is the first step towards getting better. Having a shoulder to lean on can relieve some pressure and rejuvenate your passion for providing care to patients. Therefore, schedule an appointment with a therapist if you feel you have done things you want to get off your chest, things that might be making your job seem stressful and hindering your ability to perform optimally.

Consider switching specialties.

You do not have to stick to one nursing specialty if you constantly battle stress and anxiety. If you have tried to eliminate burnout in various ways and are still not passionate about your job, it may be time to switch to another specialty.

You do not have to quit nursing altogether. There are plenty of high-demand positions that you can choose to do. For example, if dealing with patients has become stressful and monotonous, select a specialty that you can do behind the scenes to reduce contact with triggers. Also, you can consider changing the environment you work in like if working in a hospital is stressful, switch to an office or a school.

Nurse burnout is a serious condition that reduces your passion for being a care provider, making you feel stressed, unmotivated, and unable to focus on your work. Consequently, your performance goes down, and your judgment becomes poor. You must deal with nurse burnout by developing effective coping strategies to help you stay motivated.

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