Importance of Outreach Marketing in Current Content-Driven Digital Landscape

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Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing

Content has completely dominated inbound marketing scene lately, and all we read or see is about how the key to achieving your business goals is through content marketing. That may sound overly dramatic to many, but content is just a small portion of the big picture that we like to call digital marketing and reputation management.

There is no doubt that content has evolved into one of the most important aspects of contemporary inbound marketing practises, and will remain so for a foreseeable period of time. The path is simple — produce fantastic content around your focus business driving keywords, promote the content piece with all guns blazing and witness magic!

The reality is somewhat entirely different. Everybody is creating “top quality”, “unique”, “user oriented” and “original” content, so why aren’t they on top of the SERPs?

Reason – Lack of an acute strategy about content creation, promotion and content accelerators.

Outreach marketing involves upgrading your brand marketing campaigns and getting your niche influencers to share and promote your content. The social authority or the audience reach our influential bloggers possess is unparalleled, which can be leveraged for our branding and blog promotion.

You might get an idea with Social Media Examiner’s Michael Stelzner words about outreach marketing, “There are millions of bloggers out there in every possible. You can go broad and wide or narrow and deep, depending on what you want to accomplish.”

How to Outreach and do Leverage Content for Promotion

The answer is social media.

In the present day digital world, social media had the inherent ability to build author profiles, develop and execute full-blown marketing campaigns and get you in front of your target audience. Sounds simple, but isn’t usually the case as the competition is mighty fierce.

Many internet based businesses are using social media to reach out to their customers and meet their inbound marketing goals. Somehow the practise has become an inseparable part of modern day marketing mix.

Social media networks has a reach of millions of users that can become your prospective clients or customers. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. have become a constant feature of contemporary online marketing strategies via free or paid media campaigns. Be it business goals, inbound traffic, lead acquisition or conversions, social media and outreach marketing have created several benchmarks of their own.

Build Rapport with Your Fellow Niche Influencers

Again the answer is social media. Creating that valuable rapport with the niche service influencers take time, effort, patience and perseverance. It is not something that can be done overnight, and needs an expansive strategy that considers all forms of minute variables from first contact, first pitch, first response, pitch frequency, bloggers’ social authority stats, etc.

Kristen Matthews, again from Social Media Examiner, says “Marketing has evolved into P2P (person to person) instead of B2C or B2B. It’s no longer about pushing your message out to people; it’s about making a connection with people who will tell others about you.”

Out of the various social media and content marketing platforms, blogs are considered to be immensely important. Bloggers have opined that just like social media, blogs are just about as relevant and can be considered a fantastic inbound marketing medium.

Developing healthy relationships with fellow influencers requires something to get their attention with. This is where good high quality content comes in. If your content has the compelling attribute to engage an influential personality of your niche service domain, half the battle is already won.

Your content can take you to heights. I’m sure you have heard the story of how a US-based college kid splashed into the world of internet marketing and created never ending waves with her personal blog called “If I were an SEO dude”. That story is my favorite example of the convincing magnitude and crowd engagement ability of a great content!

Blogger Outreach

Effective blogger outreach campaigns don’t start with content as most would imagine, and rather begin with the identification of your influential personalities. It is a common practice for modern bloggers to work with their fellow peers, in order to develop quality and authentic content. The motive could either be to promote some products or services, or to promote their own profiles as a blogger and industry analyst.

Professional bloggers are writing numerous things on the internet, are contributors to multiple websites, promote products, participate in industry events and do many other stuff. Content comprises a fraction of what they do, but influential personalities have the authority and are instrumental towards creating vibrant business communities that can be the growth devices for your organization.

A professionally executed blogger outreach program has the potential to drive tremendous growth in your website’s inbound traffic, social branding, market cap and growth dynamics.

The difference will be absolutely incredible to your business if few well established industry leaders write and talk about brand.

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