How to Choose the Best Cable TV Service?

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Changing homes and shifting to a new place involves a variety of decisions. Some of them are straightforward, like how you are going to design your kitchen or what wallpaper color you should choose for your living room.

Others are slightly complicated, and that involves selecting a reliable cable TV service for your household. With an abundance of choices out there, comparing multiple options for your TV and picking the one that perfectly matches your budget and needs is not as simple as you may think.

Cable TV

But, don’t worry — we have got you covered! Here is a step-by-step guide to help you make the right choice.

So, let’s get started!

Table of Contents

  • Learn About Different TV Services Types
  • Fiber-optic
    • Cost
  • Satellite
    • Cost
  • Cable
    • Cost
  • Assess Your TV-Watching Behavior
  • Determine Your Budget
  • Ask About Any Ongoing Discounts
  • The Bottom Line

Learn About Different TV Services Types

Without understanding the TV service types, you will not be able to make an informed decision regarding your cable TV. TV providers usually offer service via these three technologies: fiber, cable, and satellite.

Fiber-Optic TV Service

Fiber-optic technology uses extremely thin glass or plastic cables to convey pulses of light that deliver programming. Although it is quite a new technology, it quickly gained popularity because of its extremely reliable service. The only problem is its unavailability in the majority of areas.


As fiber-optic technology provides the best speeds, the service is usually pricier than other available options. The good thing is you always have the option to pair it with fiber internet to lower your monthly bill.

Satellite TV Service

Satellite TV delivers programming to its users wirelessly via broadcast signals that are sent from satellites in orbit and received by satellite dishes or antennas. To avail of this service, you have to mount a dish on your roof-top and keep a receiver inside your home.

The best thing about satellite is its extensive coverage and far-reaching availability — you can find it almost anywhere. If you reside in mountainous, remote, or rural areas, chances are you can find satellite service there as well.

With satellite, you can watch videos in HD quality and 4K resolution without requiring internet service. However, extreme weather conditions like rainfall or storms might cause signal issues, which ultimately harms the service quality.


DIRECTV by AT&T is the key satellite service provider in the United States. Its service reaches every nook and cranny of the country. DIRECTV prices fall in the range of $64.99 – $139.99 per month.

Cable TV Service

Cable TV service delivers programming via coaxial cable (or coax) that sends radio frequency signals. You will also need a cable box, a remote, and a professional technician to install the necessary equipment required to access this service.

A lot of people prefer cable TV over other alternatives because of its reliability and wide availability. Another additional perk that most cable service provider offer is its bundle packages—cable TV, internet, and voice service all in one deal and at less price.


You can get basic cable TV plans for as low as $20 per month, while premium plans may cost you around $100 each month.

Assess Your TV-Watching Behavior

Once you gain a basic understanding of different cable TV types, the next essential step is to determine what you actually want. If you have a large family, then try to assess the watching pattern of everyone in your household.

Determine Your Budget

After analyzing your needs and preferences, it is now time to find out your budget limitations. If your TV needs are not aligned with your budget, try to cut down on additional things like premium channels or cable boxes to lower your overall monthly bill.

Ask About Ongoing Discounts

Most providers offer discounted packages to their new subscribers. It can be anything from free TV service for a month to free access to premium channels for a specific time. For example, you can call the Mediacom phone number and inquire about their ongoing deals in your area. Mediacom TV offers different discounted packages and freebies to their new customers.

The Bottom Line

The amount of cable TV service providers and options can be intimidating, especially if you have just moved to a new location. But, properly evaluating your existing cable service provider and analyzing your household’s TV watching behavior could simplify your decision-making process.

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