4 Ways Digital Marketing is Changing the Fashion Industry

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As with most niches, digital marketing has changed the fashion landscape for good.

From visibility to fast-changing trends to accessibility, the consumer’s relationship with the fashion world is like a new love interest — exciting, unpredictable, and mysterious.


Here are 4 ways in which digital marketing has changed the fashion industry for good.

1. Influencer Marketing.

According to a top marketing design agency in New York, influencer marketing is paramount to a brand’s success in the fashion world.

From try-on videos to shopping hauls to “come shop with me” reels across social media, there’s no shortage of real estate for influencers to showcase their endorsement deals with fashion brands. Whether they’re using their Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, or Snapchat platform, what matters most is making the most of their reach and selling to their audience.

Even more, influencer marketing is affordable for businesses. Brands can simply gift an influencer a product to be reviewed and/or have them post and tag the brand via their social network profiles. From this, brands can capitalize on the influencer’s audience, direct them to their site, cookie their visit, target them with ads, and more.

2. ‘Buy Now’ via Instagram.

Shopping on Instagram has become a huge trend that is paving the way for social commerce and changing strategies in terms of digital marketing in the fashion industry. Shopping on Instagram is made easy for the buyer with details being saved, making the process faster and simpler each time.

As commerce via mobile phones continues to evolve, this is a whole new frontier that digital marketing companies working in fashion need to prime businesses for ASAP.

3. Transparency & Eco-Friendly Shopping.

Where your clothes come from, how they’re made, and what materials they’re made with are all increasingly important components to many consumers. This level of transparency has been encouraged thanks to the digital age.

Customers are more concerned with the moral and environmental principles of a brand than ever before, which is why so many companies advertise their mission and initiatives to produce their products responsibly.

Saying this, it’s important to note that greenwashing is a real problem within the fashion world and something authentic eco-friendly brands combat on a daily basis. If buying from a brand that operates using the best green practices is important to you, it’s essential to do your research to make sure you don’t fall victim to a lofty greenwashing scheme.

4. Paid Advertising.

Whether it’s via Facebook, Instagram, or PPC, the potential to hone in on a target demographic of people and target them with ads ushers in an exciting (and oddly terrifying) dystopian shadow in our current world.

Fashion is no exception to this tactic.

Digital marketing experts have access to more data than they know what to do with. Because of this truth, fashion brands can create huge ad sets that are more granular than ever before. Is your brand aimed at female cat lovers in Idaho, ages 25-55? No problem, just create a Facebook ad for it.

With the impending metaverse on our doorstep and the amount of data that we continue to gather, there is no end in sight for the lengths that paid advertising brings to the table.

Adapting Content to Change with the Times.

Our list is a drop in the water for the ways digital marketing has changed the game for the fashion world. It goes without saying that it’s up to brands to continue to diversify, evolve, and stay relevant, but it’s arguably never been as difficult as what we’re seeing in today’s climate.

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